
Forgot to mention that I have 43 eggs in bators. Nn' s. Not all are going to be Nn's. Probably most will be fully feathered. Will be great layers either way. Chicks will be 2 dollars each. Unless I sell a few Nn's..they will be 3 dollars each. :)
I see that you are in Provo...and, that you are looking for Ameraucana's. Pure? Or are you thinking that EE will do...Easter Eggers are often called Ameraucana's. I have a two month old EE that I am letting go.
Forgot to mention that I have 43 eggs in bators. Nn' s. Not all are going to be Nn's. Probably most will be fully feathered. Will be great layers either way. Chicks will be 2 dollars each. Unless I sell a few Nn's..they will be 3 dollars each.
Nn's look like they should be in punk rock bands.
Has anyone ever bred a welsummer rooster to a white leghorn hen? If so, what were your results? Production level? Egg color?

Thanks in advance.

I know this was months ago, but I do have this cross. The chick was white with spots and amazingly, she went broody when she was just 6 months old! She had barely started laying. She was an excellent mother who stayed with her chicks about 6 weeks after hatch. She lays a nice big very light tan egg. Her production level is not as high as her leghorn mother, but still good. I love the size of the egg though.

I know this was months ago, but I do have this cross. The chick was white with spots and amazingly, she went broody when she was just 6 months old! She had barely started laying. She was an excellent mother who stayed with her chicks about 6 weeks after hatch. She lays a nice big very light tan egg. Her production level is not as high as her leghorn mother, but still good. I love the size of the egg though.

She looks like what they call a California White.
Gotta love good mommies!

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