
Yes I do have ducks! Poor thing! Is he physically ok? Yicks! We definitely don't need rabies on our premises that we do feel for him! We're in Tooele. Are you wanting to get more ducks for your flock or wanting to move him to a safer location?

He's kind of scrawny and pretty lonely. I know he went through a period of depression and would hardly eat anything, and I had to bring him inside during winter and give him a bath and food and put some neosporin on a big chest wound he had. Dirty raccoons, grrr! I don't know how clean he is, and I certainly don't want him to make your ducks sick :( I just hate seeing him so lonely. I won't get ducks again until we are in Delta. I'm sick to death of losing animals here. We are cursed or something. If you would rather not take him, it's okay. I hadn't even thought about the whole germ thing. Duh me.

Silkie sold.

Now, had my friend bring me duck eggs because mama disappeared.  There were eggs strewn all over the lawn.  They are thinking Racoon again.   One of the eggs was clearly not started. The other two had veining..but, no movement.  They had been out a full day.  Said I would warm them up and see later if they are viable. They were.  Now I am trying to remember how to hatch duck eggs.  :/     Wish I could keep them if they make it.

Will load some photos..when BYC let's me.  Having troubles on this site again.  Maybe it's just my computer. Anyway, the photos are from a few days ago..not sure how far along they are.  The friend said he thought she had sat on them for around a week. 

I seem to recall they need more humidity than chicken eggs, but I don't remember how much. Maybe someone in the duck section can help?

That was the next night I candled a few days ago..moving well, last night I candled but didn't take photos. Still moving like crazy.

I have one person saying don't spray...another saying I should spray them. If they are both hatching ducks ok, I think I'll got with the no spray. One less thing to do. he he...plus, they are doing well. Humidity goes up more than chickens of course during lock down. I am getting this info from folks that hatch ducks.
I still have a lot of NN babies! Going to set more. Don't ask my why. I am finding them to be as hardy as they claim! I have a girl out there that just laid a soft egg on the ground. Hope she gets into that next box.

Here she is..Gladys...that little smooth black SG is my Uggums.

Here are some babies! A day old here, a week old today.

One of the week olds.

Come get some!
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I still have a lot of NN babies! Going to set more. Don't ask my why. I am finding them to be as hardy as they claim! I have a girl out there that just laid a soft egg on the ground. Hope she gets into that next box.

Here she is..Gladys...that little smooth black SG is my Uggums.

Here are some babies! A day old here, a week old today.

One of the week olds.

Come get some!

I still have a lot of NN babies! Going to set more. Don't ask my why. I am finding them to be as hardy as they claim! I have a girl out there that just laid a soft egg on the ground. Hope she gets into that next box.

Here she is..Gladys...that little smooth black SG is my Uggums.

Here are some babies! A day old here, a week old today.

One of the week olds.

Come get some!
You are a terrible terrible person for dangling those carrots to those of us with no self control....am already in trouble for going out and getting 3 little ones from Casa de Pollo......You are trying to get me in trouble....
newmarch, just trying to find a good home for them!
He's kind of scrawny and pretty lonely. I know he went through a period of depression and would hardly eat anything, and I had to bring him inside during winter and give him a bath and food and put some neosporin on a big chest wound he had. Dirty raccoons, grrr! I don't know how clean he is, and I certainly don't want him to make your ducks sick :( I just hate seeing him so lonely. I won't get ducks again until we are in Delta. I'm sick to death of losing animals here. We are cursed or something. If you would rather not take him, it's okay. I hadn't even thought about the whole germ thing. Duh me.

No worries I tend to be on the side of caution for these kinds of things anyways. I am truly sorry for the losses but you and your strong drake have gone through. Unfortunately after consulting with my hubby we just can't take the risk in rehabilitating him at this point however if you would like to buy ducks now or later we would be more then able to help you reestablish a new flock you just let us know and we'll help you out! :hugs

P.S. We do know of a bird rehabilitating place called Great Basin Wildlife Rescue that might take him in! PM me if you'd like more information and I'll send it right your way!
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Hello everyone, I'm traveling to Salt Lake City, Utah, the first week in May, I will be there for 4 days and I am looking for some purebred hatching eggs. Let me know what you all got. :) Plz n thank you
You are a terrible terrible person for dangling those carrots to those of us with no self control....am already in trouble for going out and getting 3 little ones from Casa de Pollo......You are trying to get me in trouble....

No worries! I took them off the market so you don't have to be tempted anymore! Just one of the services that I offer.
We just happened to be up here in Utah taking care of some stuff, and I thought, "heck, why not?!" Cute little buggers! And friendly, too! Nothing like the hatchery stock birds I usually get, these kids only act minimally inconvenienced if you pick them up to snuggle.
No worries! I took them off the market so you don't have to be tempted anymore! Just one of the services that I offer.
We just happened to be up here in Utah taking care of some stuff, and I thought, "heck, why not?!" Cute little buggers! And friendly, too! Nothing like the hatchery stock birds I usually get, these kids only act minimally inconvenienced if you pick them up to snuggle.

Aww, I'm glad they are doing well. I think they are a bit snuggly, because I handle them a lot when they are in the house. When they go out to nursery, I keep talking to them, they know my voice pretty well by then, and most babies will come to the doorway to see me. When they go to the grow out pen, I stay inside a bit and talk with them too. Today I went into a grow out pen, and they all came over and started eating like I wasn't even there. Then they came to the waterer which I was standing by, and started to drink. I talk to them off and on while in there. Once they are out of the grow out pen, and running around, I still talk to them. Yes, I am a chicken whisperer. lol...I have three pullets out there right now that will come near me..except of course..the EE. Some of those will, most of those stay clear for a while. Not the friendliest until they start laying. My Nn girl that has started laying soft shells on the ground, comes around me all of the time. Gladys. Will be glad when she starts laying nice eggs, and hopefully in a nest box! Anyway, she is right there running for the door when I open it..the back door of the house. All of my Nn's have been really friendly. All of them that I've had. I've had quite a few. :) Great birds.

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