
Few message about roosters.A rooster is a male chicken. There are dozens of poultry breeds: Araucana, Brahma, Cochin, Delaware, Frizzle, Houdan, Jersey Giant, Minorca, New Hampshire Red, Orpington, Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, Silkie, Sultan and Wyandotte—just to name a few. Young roosters are called capons and may be slaughtered for consumption. But what we usually consume, as meat or egg, is the white Leghorn hen. The rooster is only necessary if you want fertilized eggs for hatching.
Alice mark

Utah Drug Treatment
I'm in Layton - we have 3 white Leghorns about 16 weeks old so they'll be laying shortly, and just got a new delivery of 6 baby chicks (ordered over the internet). I have a webpage on this formut somewhere, feel free to check it out when you have a minute.
I'll be posting updates on the babies shortly... they are SO CUTE!!!

I love the looks too of the 2 easter eggers we got. OK, the breakdown of the 6 new chicks are: 5 breeds – 2 Easter Egger, 1 each Gold Laced Wyandotte, Rhode Island Red, New Hamphire Red, Red Star.

Should be lots of fun.

One neighbor next to us is quite sociable/friendly, however on the other side there may be concerns there. I'll probably give them some eggs and that should shut them up.
Awesome. I'm glad I have good neighbors
Someone want to split an order from IDEAL? I'm building a new coop to house my bantams, because I put 34 eggs in the bator, but on day 18 I have about 8 left that are viable.
It's going to be a big space, so I *need* some more birds to help heat it in the winter.
It's that, or wait until February to process our BR cockerels so they can help keep the banties warm. We've got all my BR juvies in with the adult birds and there are just way too many in that coop, even if the run is plenty big enough and they only sleep there. I'm running out of roosts and the kids are only 10 weeks old. better yet, anyone have Silkies or Cochins hatching soon?
If anyone is interested, I know someone with a bunch of banties he's trying to unload for free, along with some muscovy pairs and lots of drakes. He ended up with 14 muscovy ducklings this year and 5 of his banties went broody after he had thinned down his flock for the season. He has really healthy birds, as I got 6 hens and two pair of muscovy from him in January. He's in Oak City (near Delta), PM me if you are interested.
May I be so audacious as to bump this? I just registered and I am in Sugarhouse. My first baby chicks are arriving this week. I live on a tiny lot and my chickens will not be legal as I cannot meet the 50' setback. I have discussed this with my immediate neighbors and have received (reluctant) approval. I'd be very interested in hearing about anyone's experiences with the city and their illicit chickens.

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