

Terri O is awesome too! She used to have a rooster who lost BOTH his feet to frostbite and he lived for years. Then he got bumblefoot and it became systemic and he died. She loved that rooster. Anyway - she really knows her chickens!
No, trust me, not Payson..just as cold..if you are talking Payson Utah.. St. George is warm.
You already know that.
My DH and I love Levan...just outside of Nephi.. so private, and a lot of farm land. Wish I could feel up to moving again. Just might if the right price came along...with a nice "little" house on it.
Someone positively ID'd it as a tumor, has seen the same growth on dogs. Cancer. She is pecking at it, her side is bloody as is her face.

Sadly, I'm going to have to cull her. She now is in pain obviously. Good layer, drat!

I'll have to wait for my husband so today I'll give her lots of goodies and if warm enough let her sun on the deck. Dang, I hate this.

It'd be easy to say, well as long as this is happening, I could "lose" my roosters but I just can't. They aren't mean and don't chase. How weird to keep & feed chickens that don't lay (and make a ton of racket), yet do away with a great layer. Maybe not weird....stupid.
oh i am so sorry julie!
i know its not easy but you are doing the right thing. as for the roos i understand it and i think it is cool you are keeping them. look at it as free bug patrol
i cant say i would feed them anything fancy, just grains and table scraps is what i would feed and in the warm months they would have to find most/all their own feed. i was ready to eat my leghorns last night, they were being such a pain
i love the girls but they can be a little crazy. so what is everyones favorite breed of chicken? i think i may like black stars the most but ee are another favorite. i want to try buff orps some day too because i love the way they look and i hear they are good layers
Thank you

The 3 banty free-rangers are two identical EE's, named "The Brothers" BillyBob and BillyRay; the other is a gorgeous BB Red (Mr. Golden) that watches for me every morning and comes running. I can't touch them but he will eat scratch out of a scoop I'm holding. All are so healthy and gorgeous, it's obvious free ranging 24/7 is the ultimate for health but unfortunately not an option for 99.9% for most chickens. I did lose 3 free-ranging roos to hawks so the ones left are hawk-smart.

As for favorite breeds, for fun I go with Silkies and Quail Antwerp Belgian hens (roos are kinda mean), and the #1 would be the Red Pyle hen (Izzy) (less maintenance than silkies).

For egg producers I do like the buff orps but my Delawares have been more friendly this batch, and even the Blue Anadalusions are first to run up to me. And I do have two white leghorns of my older bunch that will hold their wings out and are quite friendly. Awesome layers.

I used to like the EE's (love the egg colors) but they are not very consistent on laying and not as friendly unless played with a lot. I think next round of chicks I'll pass on them. Oh, and they tend to be dominant and pick on the other chickens (at least in my flocks). We have a RIR that just loves our lab.
Well it's over and here's the final chapter. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=585899&p=5

husband used a shotgun close up to the head and it was immediate. I didn't even cry.

I also got brave since it was such a quick "now they're here, now they're not", we decided to cull our roos that were with our older hens. 9 hens / 3 roos, you can imagine how beaten up my girls were. And with winter coming and no more all day free ranging it would only get worse.

Still leaves me with 5 roos: 3 "wild childs", the tiny quail antwerp, and the new Mr. Sweet. The antwerp can do no damage as he has a twisted beak and hopefully Mr. Sweet will mind his manners. The free rangers will go in my tack shed once it turns too cold so I don't lose them. They are very easy to care for and certainly take care of the bugs & ticks at the barn.

I'm actually surprised at myself (but a glass of wine would help lol). This was SOOOO much better (for the chickens and I) than the time we tried meat birds and used "off with the head". I'm even thinking that I just may be buying some meat chicks come spring. It's a lot lot less messy and instant.

I really appreciate everyone's support and help on figuring out this hen's strange problem.


I am hoping that I don't have to put one of mine down. Have been working on a bumble foot. Got the plug out, bandaged it for quite a few days, after soaking it, but it doesn't seem to be doing any better. She wants to lay around on the ground instead of standing, I'm sure it hurts. She did lay today. She is eating..so will wait and see. I honestly don't know what more we can do. I even gave her a dose of medication after getting the plug out and cleaning it and soaking it. I hear that they can be very hard to get rid of.
Will just watch her now. Going in for my surgery on Wed. I hope she is looking better by the time I get home. Hoping it's just a night stay. Home the next.
Hi all,
Another update about Saratoga Springs, The City counsel is having a vote Tuesday, Today! please attend the meeting if you can. We need all the help we can get, a lot of non supporters are supposed to show and if we don't get a good turn out we could be dead in the water. Please help if you can.

Thanks to all
Sorry to hear about your hen.
There is someone on this board that knows all there is to know on that and has great success. I can't recall her name but she has a site that ends in podiatry. She was selling chicken feed for awhile, maybe research the threads?

I wish the best in your surgery. I was kinda feeling sorry about letting go one of the roos this am but you've made me put things into perspective. I will spend my thoughts on you sailing through the surgery with a speedy recovery.

Check back in with us when you're back up to speed, k?

Take care chicken-friend~
Dang, can't get a break!

Was shutting the chicken door on the younger flock's coop last night and noticed my tiny antwerp roo didn't look right. He was high on a rafter so my husband got him to hop on a rake and brought him down.

Mr. Sweet (the black silkie I just adopted) beat the crap out of him (and he can't defend himself because of his twisted beak). It looks like he could lose an eye. It was swollen and bloody (along with the comb). I'm sure it was Mr. Sweet because everyone got along just fine and yesterday was Sweet's first day out of the dog crate that's inside the coop. 40+ hens and a 3-room coop, I thought there was plenty of girls to go around and plenty of space to take Mr. Sweets in.

My neighbor had wanted Betsy (except not as a house chicken) so just 'maybe' she'll take Mr. Sweet... assuming Mr. Twister survives. Darn, darn, darn.

BUT -- I'm going to put things in perspective! They are much bigger things to focus energy on. Friends with surgery, son in Kabul, and a little roo w/an injured eye.

So sending good thoughts to everyone on this board dealing with health issues!

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