Vaccinations – My Research And How To Go About Vaccinating A Backyard Flock

oz where did you get Mareks vaccine? this one says day old chicks, can I do all my birds adults with this one too? Not sure this is the one you discussed


Zoetis (formerly Pfizer)

Marek's Disease
Vaccine for day-old chicks to help prevent Marek's disease. Inject 0.2 ml under the skin into the back of the neck.
View manufacturer and/or label information
also how do I figure out how to give and what needles to get? I should have gone to that CPT course for my cert in March! kicking in butt now!
I went to the local chemist (drug store) and asked for a fit pack. It contains a few hypodermic needles and safe disposal cases, it cost about $8.

I warn you though, that is how most drug addicts get their sharps, so you may get some funny looks. You could just tell them "I want to give my chickens some injections" but they probably have heard lots of reasons why someone would want sharps lol Or, if you visit a vet or ask someone in the industry. ) 0.2ml was the very first little line in our kits.

As for older birds, the vaccine is only good for day olds, after that they develop their own immunity and the vaccine will not be effective.
would my diabetic needles work? I kept them and have a ton from when I had to inject during prego?
BD Ultra-Fin II Insulin Syringes 1/2cc for 50 units or less 5/16" length needle 31 gauge needle. I think they are too small
Syrringes and needles are somewhat controlled in the United States. Like Scottcaddy said you can get them at the feed store.... But you might also check with Valley vet Online.

DO NOT use used needles or syringes.... those should be disposed of. Back in the sixties and early seventies the woman who ran our stables use one of those kinds of stainless steel syringes for giving antibiotics. She sterilized the needles with Alcahol because they were expensive. She would only throw one away if it got dull.... Shudder now. Didnt know better then.

so a new needle each bird right?

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