Valentine's Day 1st Annual Hatch Along

We only have 4 people entered in the Guess How Many Contest so far!

Please PM me if you want to enter and guess, all are welcome to guess!

If you set eggs for the HAL, please PM me your original set number of eggs!

This is the only time I will tag anyone I've seen on this thread, so please get your guesses in soon! Win your choice of 2 books!!!

@ChickyChickens @DarthRooster @paris_r @StephensonC @darkbluespace @Jessshan8 @wornoutmomto3 @FuzzyHens @SallyinIndiana taymar's flock @Mazmanian @Alaskan @gogetter @La Casa de Pollo @HerbGir1972 @HickoryHollow @Lapeerian @sarahandbray @DevilsDenHen @robgray @emvickrey @LPeaslee @haTHOR @bekkanblue @gimmie birdies

Thanks for a very awesome HAL!!!
And send in those #'s!!!

message sent.
I have a question::
I have an OLDer Still Air Little Giant incubator, belonged to my granddad.
so I know it's at least 17 years old. Where is the best place to find replacement parts??
my viewing windows have like gotten so cloudy it's very hard to see whats going on in there

the plug are missing, and I'd like to find another egg turner with the pronged egg holders on the metal racks.
well in all fairness I really need another turner like this too.
this one has never worked for me and due to a fall it got broken on one side. (I had just needed a motor until that time.
We've been hand turning from the start, so we're getting in touch with our

just asking, apparently we're doing ok with our methods
we're up to 21 fluffies today. Hoping the final ones will come as fast as the Earlybirds

We've already got our St Pats Week Hatching.( yeah we're sneaking one in between this and Easter)

Hope everyone's babies come happy & healthy today
Just hatched a feather footed...have to figure that one out..??? And we've only had one cheeky and bearded so far.
So I'm deducing that the polish was the dominant too this go around.
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Wow, congrats everybody on your progress so far! And Happy Valentine's Day!

Woke to another hatched chick (EE) and two more pips. Scooped out the two babies, put them in the brooder, filled the chambers with lukewarm water, and sealed the bator back up. A GLW mix zipped and hatched minutes later. So I have three hatched chicks now, yay! Got two pips now. One is a Light Brahma mix which is labeled "LB". These are my daughter's initials, so she is waiting on LB with much excitement. It did not pip in the area I had marked as the air cell, so I am a little worried. With this first chick trampling around in there, it does not suprise me in the least. I am going to have to get some foam egg cartons prior to LD on my next hatch to minimize the jostling to the babies still inside their shells.
Tonto, Silver, and The Lone Ranger would like to wish everyone and their newly hatched(hatching) chicks a Happy Valentines Day!

(Some more sad news to report. I lost one of the chicks under the broody. I don't know if she just didn't except it or it just got cold. It was laying on the opposite side of the broody-box when I found it this morning. The other two were peeping loudly from under the hen, but she doesn't seem bothered by them. On a lighter note all the other chicks are doing well. I am still waiting for the last three to hatch. There is some wiggling going on, but no pips yet.)
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I had 2 hatch yesterday, well the second one at midnight. I had a 3rd pipped last night and it hasn't progressed anymore yet. My past experience when this happens it has leg issues and can't turn it'self in the egg.
So far 6 have hatched out of 23, with 11 more pipped. Sadly the brahma didn't make it after hatch. It was second to hatch but I think the first may have been to playful with it. So far the rest look like a barred rock, an Orpington, and 2 eithe RIR or NHR. The other one just hatched so awaiting on it to fluff out and gain strength.

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