Valentine's Day 1st Annual Hatch Along

Ok thisit what i got from my coops today from bottom to top a serama egg a standard large breed egg and this monstrocity! Poor hen it must have three yolks in there!!!
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jennianne, let me just tell you about my LA from the same place you got yours. 2 were non fertile, 2 quit the first week, 1 is doing nothing currently, 1 is out with my help and 1 pipped but drowned in it's own Flourescent yellow fluid. I have always heard that flourescent always means infection. Now I am freaking out because I'm afraid it's contaminated my incubator which could be a threat to all the other eggs and chicks that are in there. That really bothers me!!! All the eggs from this person, if you remember me telling you in the beginning, were so very dirty. This one was so bad, I debated on tossing it or not. I even posted a pic of it on this thread. Well now, the 1 left that is doing nothing, I am going to take it out and investigate it, next time I open it to get chicks out.
So sorry to hear that! I was thinking these LAs had a great shot since they came so well shipped. My EBAY lot was so poorly packaged in comparison with 4 cracked or crushed in shipping out of thirteen and lots of wobbly air cells. Yet out of the ebay lot, I only lost the one due to a blood ring, and all the rest went to LD and hatched. The LAs, whole nother ball game.

I have my last of the BY mix hatches drying out in the incubator. The seven from the LA group are still sitting, no pips but some cheeping. I am wondering what I am going to do once this EE mix dries up and I only have the LAs left in there. I will probably give them time since they are not going to impact the other hatches at this point for me. I will be very cautious though after your experience, yuck. I am going to get a 2nd brooder on standby also, just in case, although really anything on the exterior of the shells has gotten into my new hatches already--luckily they seem fine so far.

Well, keep me updated and Ill do the same. We shall see. They could just be making me wait for it!

Here are my gorgeous lavender orpingtons mosty from Garry Farms. 24 shipped. 13 in lockdown and 12 hatched. The last one i kinda had to make hatch as i needed to get the incubator lockdown ready for the next lockdown today.
You all are havng such beautiful babies hatching today. I've been out most of this week with a wicked head cold but my biddies won't be coming out until next Friday or saturday cause of the delay in shipping my eggs from PA during the last blizzard.

Out of my 6 CCL, all 6 are still developing beautifully but hve quite a few with very ugly saddled aircells. 2/6 of my Rhodebars were clear and 1/6 was an early quitter. I pulled that out this morning when i saw a bloodline and when i cracked it open i saw scrambled eggs. Do they always look like that? The seller had also included 3 extra SFH eggs and one was clear, one was scrambled (i opened that one today) and the last is developing. So..... we will see what I get next weekend.

Oh, and here in Cameron, NC.... the winds are HORRIBLE! I deffinitely hope we don't loose power cause i have 8 dorkings, 7 Lavendar Orps, and 12 Jubillee orpingtons in another incubator. Hmmmmm. We better NOT lose power or i'm going to be one very unhappy camper.


Here are my gorgeous lavender orpingtons mosty from Garry Farms. 24 shipped. 13 in lockdown and 12 hatched. The last one i kinda had to make hatch as i needed to get the incubator lockdown ready for the next lockdown today.
'made hatch' for need of incubator space?? you must be a guy 'Rob'
My sister and I cant be the only women on the planet that have used cleavage space to warm chicks or eggs!
Hemorrhoid cream to stop the bleeding, thats a new tool to add to my chickening toolbox.
Thanks paris_r I always like to learn a new trick.
well mostly its to shrink tissues (yes a handy trick for bags under the eyes too!) the toilet paper is what i use to stop bleeding, but the two combined will work. plus the EMT gel (which is 20$ a tube) is essentially a flexible glue, its a b#tch to get on but works wonders. we used it on the neighbors silkie that was so forcefully mated by a standard rooster that her back skin was torn off. get a tube of that too-just have it warm when you need it and you sort of have to have it melt into the spot you need by body heat.
What a long day! Only about half of my eggs have hatched. They are taking their sweet time. I have a lot of pips still, and one chick pipped at the wrong end and is having trouble getting out. I peeled away some of the shell and laid a wet paper towel over the egg to keep it moist. Going to let it rest for a bit and then take more off later.

Overall it has been a good day. One of the legbar eggs hatched and it looks like a pullet! Two more pipped, but one pipped hours ago and has done nothing since. I think it may have died. Time to get some sleep now.

Good luck everyone who is still hatching!

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