Valentine's Day 1st Annual Hatch Along

is this one going to have problems?-like puncturing a vein? this is one from a set that are due in 2 days. this is not a shipped egg, it is one of my silkies.
I agree with what Ravyn said. Also, make sure the pip stays on the top. One of my chicks that pipped like this drowned after the other chicks knocked the egg over the the chick was trapped in the fluid.

There have been many others that made it out fine after pipping in the middle. If the chicks doesn't make progress in a while you might have to assist.
10 are out so far, about 20 more to go I hope. The power was off for a bit last night so these are are really really late.
2 are culls though. I has all of its intestines hanging out. It had just a bit when it hatched but now almost all of them are outside and the chick is clearly weak.

23 are out now, some are culls or already culled. the other 7 are getting assistance since the temps dropped from the power failure. I noticed they were having trouble since the fan was drying them out and they were slow poking their way out. All 7 had more than pipped but only 4 of the 7 had a full zip around the egg. The membranes were just a bit too dry for those to pop the shell open. That was what caused me to help them. Normally I don't help as I have found helped chicks are weaker for a long time if they make it.

There were a lot more than I expected of the slightly open navels. The culls are the ones that have this issue getting worse instead of better. But at least there were no deaths during the lockdown.
There were a lot more than I expected of the slightly open navels. The culls are the ones that have this issue getting worse instead of better. But at least there were no deaths during the lockdown.
OK, I looked through the article someone else posted, and possible reasons for the navel not closed are:

Unhealed navel or Mushy chicks can be due to:

Temperature too low during
Wide temperature variation in
Humidity too high during incubation
Poor ventilation

Other cause could be too little Iodine, which can cause:
Prolongation of hatching time, reduced thyroid size, and incomplete abdominal closure

all from
Mama and her 18 chicks. Shes living in the garage heated by a barrel stove. She's not complaining, lol.


Cute brooder set-up! I need to get a cage like that for next time.

My chick that had the mushy/enlarged navel seems to be doing OK. At first he seemed a little slower than the rest, but then I had to remember that he had a difficult hatch. He's doing so well at day 4 that I can't tell him apart from the rest of the chicks. The little stump dried up fine and didn't seem to have any issues. I have not sold him yet so I can keep an eye on him just to make sure he's OK. I'd never want to sell a chick to someone and then have it die later. :(
is this one going to have problems?-like puncturing a vein? this is one from a set that are due in 2 days. this is not a shipped egg, it is one of my silkies.
ok-so update on this egg. first, yes it is fine. when i opened it up i saw this

this chick is completely breeched! that is why it pipped low. what is good to see is what is at the bottom (pointy) end of the egg. it is the urea that is next to where the yolk is attached. by this placement i can tell the chick is fine and it didnt grow upside down, it rotated that way before trying to pip. by seeing the urea i could tell the chick had absorbed its yolk and was fully detached.
here it is 'out', it is drying in the incubator now.

of the one that pipped through a vein, it is doing very well-took about a day to start showing vigor, but i will move it soon to the brooder. i did however have a few that pipped early and then gave up, i was able to rescue one but it is barely breathing. they were shrink wrapped and yet the veins never retracted.
ok-so update on this egg. first, yes it is fine. when i opened it up i saw this this chick is completely breeched! that is why it pipped low. what is good to see is what is at the bottom (pointy) end of the egg. it is the urea that is next to where the yolk is attached. by this placement i can tell the chick is fine and it didnt grow upside down, it rotated that way before trying to pip. by seeing the urea i could tell the chick had absorbed its yolk and was fully detached. here it is 'out', it is drying in the incubator now. of the one that pipped through a vein, it is doing very well-took about a day to start showing vigor, but i will move it soon to the brooder. i did however have a few that pipped early and then gave up, i was able to rescue one but it is barely breathing. they were shrink wrapped and yet the veins never retracted.
Yay!! Nice save!! :D Sorry on the shrink wraps, tho... :( Just keep in mind, none of us are miracle workers, we can only do the best we can...

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