Valentine's Day 1st Annual Hatch Along

Oh, Yay! I think I may be joining this one. I was going to hold off until Easter, but then someone over on the NYD HAL mentioned chocolate (orpington) eggs for vDay, so now I have the bright idea to get some Marans eggs!
Blue is my favorite. I just put my order in for 12 blue, lavender, and chocolate muscovy eggs. I also picked up a splash Marans hen add to my Black copper Marans pen, so I will hopefully be hatching some blue copper Marans soon.
i'm glad i'm not the only one who has an obsession with the blue's lol. i got the french white muscovy's just because they are bigger and these are suppose to be for meat and eggs. i do want some Blues and lavs though...i dont like the pied choco much though...splash lavs are cool though.
Ermm... Can I join, please?
Yes Welcome to the Vday HAL
Oh, Yay! I think I may be joining this one. I was going to hold off until Easter, but then someone over on the NYD HAL mentioned chocolate (orpington) eggs for vDay, so now I have the bright idea to get some Marans eggs!

Yes! Chocolate orpington eggs! That was me
and I'm so excited i think i found someone local i can get some eggs from so i dont have to ship them!!! I put in my order for some for the Valentines Hatch!
Choco eggs are a good idea i am really really trying to get some blue laced red wyndotte eggs for the vday hatch because the blue lacing somehow make me think of v-day...i think it is cause their feathers look like red half hearts outlined in blue.
Yep, my first organizing of a hatch along.

Hatch date: Saturday, February 14th

If my math is correct (And please correct me if I'm wrong),

Start Date is Saturday, January 24th

(info below supplied by misfitmorgan)
Chicken eggs Jan 24th
Muscovy duck eggs New years day
Coturnix Quail eggs Jan 27th
Goose eggs Jan 14th
Duck,turkey,pheasant Jan 17th
Guinea Fowl Jan 19th

Please comment if you plan to enter and how many eggs you are entering.
If someone guesses how many eggs will be entered within 50, they get a prize.

If you need help, I'll do as best as I can, but might refer you to a more experienced hatcher.
If you are experienced and would like to answer questions, please PM me with info :)


Hey guys i made a dyslexic slip on the set date for muscovy......i said Jan 1st......set date should be Jan 10th
Chickkrakidd corrected me but i dyslexically read over it and didnt notice until just now.

Set Date
Muscovy Ducks: Jan 10th

All the other days for everything else to set are correct though.
Yes Welcome to the Vday HAL

Choco eggs are a good idea i am really really trying to get some blue laced red wyndotte eggs for the vday hatch because the blue lacing somehow make me think of v-day...i think it is cause their feathers look like red half hearts outlined in blue.
Ooooh! That is also an idea. I want to get another Blue Laced Barnevelder or two. I hatched one a few months ago. He was the only one to hatch out of 12 eggs.
Hey guys i made a dyslexic slip on the set date for muscovy......i said Jan 1st......set date should be Jan 10th
Chickkrakidd corrected me but i dyslexically read over it and didnt notice until just now.

Set Date
Muscovy Ducks: Jan 10th

All the other days for everything else to set are correct though.
Lol glad u finally saw it. I haven't been BYC very much lately. Been too busy with Christmas& New Years. So busy in fact that I completely forgot I was gonna stay up last night and stay on the BYC NYD HAL!! Ig that means I was wayyyy too busy. Lol but I got my incubator made today. I just went with the typical& simple styro bator. It was so simple to make. I had pretty much everything I needed except for the cooler itself& a piece of glass or pexi-glass to use as a window. I bought a cheep frame from the Dollar Tree& just used the piece of glass. It makes a nice window. Anyways... sorry for rambling. But I am so ready for the VD HAL!!! I am going to try to hatch some of my barnyard mixes. They will be any of the following: RIRxRIR, RIRxBO, BlAxRIR, BlAxBO. My Blue Andalusian hens r not laying, but at least one of my BO hens r& two other hens that I'm not sure if they r RIR or BO. Hopefully, I'll also be able to hatch a few duck eggs. My neighbor has ducks& I'm sure he wouldn't mind doing a little trading.
Looks lile we'll be hatching our own eggs, they should be some ee and some polish mixed with our a happy experiment maybe 24, no more

I'll have some more of my Ee's to hatch
Should have some marans too
I'll know more about my numbers about Jan 10th

I am guessing 500 eggs set for this hatch a long

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