Valentine's Day 1st Annual Hatch Along

:lau. Wanna come over and play with the ohiki? They like having a human perch!

Yes, please!!! :D I've always loved the look of Ohiki, but yours sound like they having amazing personalities, too! I wanna give treats to the bouncy one! ;)

I have swedish flower eggs too!

Ahhhh!!! You gotta stop! lol Jim would prolly make me sleep with the chickens if I bring up another breed... He wants Ayam Cemani, but I'm trying to win him over to Svart Honas... I like them better... :)
Yes, please!!! :D I've always loved the look of Ohiki, but yours sound like they having amazing personalities, too! I wanna give treats to the bouncy one! ;)
Ahhhh!!! You gotta stop! lol Jim would prolly make me sleep with the chickens if I bring up another breed... He wants Ayam Cemani, but I'm trying to win him over to Svart Honas... I like them better... :)
I'm praying both svart hona hatch and it's a pair. Heck, I'd settle for 2 pullets, just hoping it's not 2 cockerels!

I call the bouncy one "jumpy" :lau
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I actually have another ohiki pullet who has strated to jump too! I got suprised when I fed everyone and I say two bouncing up and down in unison. I think they get mad cause the bottom gate to their pen is solid wood and they like to see out where the others have small gaps between the boards or wire gates.

Just get the svart hona and tell him they're Ayam cemani. As long as he doest sell them as such, you can get your way and he'd be none the wiser. :lau
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Here's my little black Ohiki hen. She likes to yell at me when I come home from work. She won't stop until I pick her up and pet her for a second.

I am vindicated! lol
Jim didn't believe that I was hearing peeping yesterday cuz every time he checked all was silent... One of my OEGB's, unknown kind since they were sent unmarked...

Ravyn i keep meaning to ask your av pic a Iowa Blue?

they are more expensive and you can only order specific breeds. It's cheaper to order through the hatchery in most cases. Minimum of 25 chicks. They are $2.89 each for straight run and $3.49 each for pullets and assorted bantams. I'm unsure on the shipping charges yet this year. Usually they are in addition to the cost of chicks.
Well poppy...i wish thewy would get in turkeys....i only ever see chickens and ducks.

Sweet! Jim wants to go "look", lol...
Don't get me wrong, I love TSC and their chicks! Buy all my feed from them and our fencing supplies, etc. Jim was just very disappointed cuz he wanted a couple of Silkies and Phoenix but it says 25 min chick order, and assrtd bantams only... Not that we NEED any more chicks right now, lol...
Try it is one of the BYC supporters...anyhow you can order all mix and match chicks of your choice and as soon as the weather warms you can order as few as 3 chicks at once...shipping is reasonable too...for now the min is 15 chicks but like i said you can mix and match say 5 D'uccle, 4 buff orph, 6 Black Copper Marans....or whatever there is no min you can get 15 chicks of seperate breds if you wanted and there is no fee for mixing like other places small box fee either.
Here's my little black Ohiki hen. She likes to yell at me when I come home from work. She won't stop until I pick her up and pet her for a second.

She kinda reminds me of my Araucana pullet, Storm... OMG, I want some! I think I'm getting Jim won over on Svarts, I was showing him pics last night, and he is into the fibromelanistic factor of them and I think they are the same as the ACs in that aspect??
Have my fingers crossed for ya for pullets... that'll weigh my odds better in trying to talk you outta some eggs, lol... ;)
I have 2 external pips! No one has been peeping or rocking since yesterday. It makes me so nervous! My first hatch they all died shrink wrapped. Last hatch they pipped but got stuck, so I helped most of them out. The humidity was higher this time, so I'm determined to wait it out and let them hatch on their own. But it's so nerve wracking!
I wish I would have seen this in time. Mine were due tomorrow, but started hatching this morning. 30 eggs in hatcher right now. (don't count these, I'm not in the hatch-along) lol
Thanks for the tip @misfitmorgan I'll show that to him. :)

Umm... Nope... :D
My avi is Cheeky, my single combed EE that we cannot figure out what he is mixed with, lol... he throws green legged chicks, too... I think he's gorgeous and he has the best temperament for a Roo, protects his girls but allows me to do whatever I need to with them... in fact, if one throws too big of a fit at me, he whacks them with his wing to make them behave... :D

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