Valentines Day Hatch-A-Long 2016

I wonder what white leghorns and a black Australorp cross would look like
I inherited 2 white hens with the new house. Might be worth the experiment.
I'm excited to candle my eggs tomorrow and see what we've got so far! How's everyone else's incubation going?
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Hi everyone,

I set 16 Russian Orloffs and half-Orloffs (Orloff over EE & Cream Legbar) last week, since my DD & family may come down for President's day. Totally forgot that hatch day will be Valentine's day!

Official day 7 candling tomorrow. Have peeked at a few, and 2 out of 3 seem to be growing. 4 eggs will be a day later, since I decided to pull some of my eggs out of the fridge and added them to the incubator. No clue on if they were fertile or how they will do.

Hope everyone has great hatches!
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4 out of 5 of my sexlink eggs are doing great. The air cells are clear and the yolk/chick is taking up more space everyday. My blue Easter Egger eggs are a different story. It's hard to see anything at this point. I can make out the air cell on a few of them. I usually can't see anything until about day 10 with them.

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