Valentine's Day Hatch

Would love to but cant have eggs that soon.
I could do a St.Patricks day hatch though.
OOOHHHHH...... Shelly Prize and Maybe another prize.....mmmmm...I might have to join........... I'm thinking.....Snow is melting here in Colorado....Shelly, I'm trying to get some hatching eggs up here and come on home.......... Let's see if the hospital can work with me on a release day!......NO.... I'm not in a mental hospital for chicken addition, but I qualify....LOL........... Miss GA and HOME!
Lordy that really will just give me a reason to buy more eggs from DEB I could swap eggs and then get some from Deb! crap these will not hatch in time will they? wait Lets see... Dec 25th ooops yes they will!! woohoo...jan 15th is the hatch day...SO could order and have them sent in plenty of time...
Deb DO you have any kind I DIDN"T order?
I have 4 hatches going right now in 3 Bators....never hatched before in our life, but have been reading hundreds of articles and learning ALOT...We have pulled one silkie,one d uccle and one Maran egg thus far, 2 candled clear and one quitter, so far we have been right so...we put each one in a bag and cracked it to make sure we were right! (nerve racking to crack them!
) Deb don't let me order more than this time! Your are all set same day and take up one whole incubator!but all 48 are in there! So wish us luck!
Can't wait to see Valentines babies!
It's to hot at that time of year for me to have eggs shipped so unless I find something interesting locally it will just be my eggs, Dorkings, Silkies and my Araucana hens eggs for some easter eggers, maybe some mutts for fun.
I thought my ears were burning:-D My breed list is on my BYC page. I don't have a catalogue yet, maybe some day! I am rooting for your babies!
OK, just set up my new breeding pen, so I should have some pretty blue eggs to set for the Valentines day hatch
A CrystalCreek Lavender Ameraucana rooster over pure AMs and my prettiest EE hens.
Thanks deb! Just trying to figure out when we need to get our eggs for our valentine hatch!! lol havent gotten thru mid jan yet! Deb wants to know if you (Deb) have any seabrights? I like the cochins and Do you have SLW? WE REALLY want an EE or Ameracauna ROO!so will need those eggs...been watching for your auctions!if i win one can you hold the eggs a bit?
I had a small flock of 3 hens and a roo(SLW) but was getting only 1-2 eggs a day. So yesterday I went and bought 7 pullets, POL. One laid an egg today! So hopefully will have lots of those to offer. Have GLW laying well. I have one pair of SQ buff sebrights. He is my only mean rooster, but I guess that is typical for the breed. Every time he tries to kick me I pick him up and love on him. He hates it, and behaves for a day or two.:-D I have LF cochin and bantam cochins. My EE are laying and my white Ameraucanas have started laying! The prettiest blue eggs you ever saw! I will work with you on delivery dates if you win auctions. Thanks for asking! Deb

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