Valentine's Day Hatch

I added a contest to the first post. Anybody else interested in hosting a contest either post it here or pm me. Also if there is anybody that would be interested in donating a prize pm me the details.
I'm TOTALLY IN! I should have my new bator by the set date WOO HOO! Now I just need to figure out some eggs. Might need to split my nice LF cochins away from the layers and get my silkies divided by color so i can participate in the swap. How exciting!

I am in. Haven't officially signed up for the swap yet though, waited til a little closer to the deadline. My luck, whatever I say I'm goin to send, I won't have laying then. I guess I could just say all mixed though…… My silkied hens need to hurry their butts up,
, so I can get started on my silked project.
I'm in. already signed up for the January Egg Swap so i'll be setting 12 swapped eggs and probably a few of my EE mutt eggs. maybe some bantam seabright eggs from my girlfriend also. gonna have to set 24 so i qualify for the best hatch rate contest.....

my mom is gonna kill me, i just got told that i have to get a job so i can support my ever growing flock. just hatched out 10 chicks for NYD hatch and i'll probably have that many this time around.....
I'm in if you'll have my chatty butt.

I just signed up to hatch 12 eggs from Jim's swap. I'll probably throw some of my mutts in there, too, maybe not, depending on how/where my ducklings are. If they're still in the house, I'll be minimally hatching chicks. If they're not, I'll be cramming my Brinsea full, again.

I hope it's ok that I added the thread to my signature, it was time to take out the NYD hatch, anyway.
I think I may be in.... I am supposed to hatch some turkey eggs for my friend, I am getting the eggs Mon. the 16th. If all goes well, I 'll join.

My incubators are off with no plans to start back up until March 6th. But since the turkey are not for me and I promised to hatch some when her hen started laying...........

It doesn't count right ?

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