Valentine's Day Hatch

amazing!! I'm in awe! I'm sure my husband will believe that!
amazing!! I'm in awe! I'm sure my husband will believe that!

Our cat (Sophie Anna Phatpants) is pretty amazing. Much to our chagrin she has figured out doors, cabinets and the lazy susan. She once locked the other cat in the upstairs closet right after I got him. She takes drains out of sinks and moves them to various non-sink locations around the house.

She could certainly be capable of setting eggs.
That's how bad neighborhoods start...

You have a point there...

Cool! Since I have 15 of those
I have plenty to share the blame around.

And no, before someone asks, I did not plan to have so many kitties. I moved to the farm with 3 spoilt house cats, everyone else just saw the welcome sign.

'Waifs, strays and ner' do wells, this is the place!!!'

Thank goodness the youngest ones are old enough for sterilization later this month, then everyone here is done! I hope the Universe now thinks I've done my bit for the local feral population and doesn't send me any more.
Love the name! And, oh my! She must keep you busy! If she set them, she might want them for breakfast too.
I'll stick to my boy cats who enjoy prowling the yard catching furry rodents, and aren't into mind games. pshew!
That's how bad neighborhoods start...

You have a point there...

Cool! Since I have 15 of those
I have plenty to share the blame around.

And no, before someone asks, I did not plan to have so many kitties. I moved to the farm with 3 spoilt house cats, everyone else just saw the welcome sign.

'Waifs, strays and ner' do wells, this is the place!!!'

Thank goodness the youngest ones are old enough for sterilization later this month, then everyone here is done! I hope the Universe now thinks I've done my bit for the local feral population and doesn't send me any more.

My mom does the same thing and I think she probably has close to 15 feral cats, too. She gets their shots and gets them fixed. She will feed anything that comes onto her property.
Love the name! And, oh my! She must keep you busy! If she set them, she might want them for breakfast too.
I'll stick to my boy cats who enjoy prowling the yard catching furry rodents, and aren't into mind games. pshew!

She does keep us busy. I figure she's too smart for her own good. I've taught her to sit and beg for treats, she picked that up in less than a week. If only I could teach her to clean the brooder while leaving the chicks alone...
Okay, I'm in!!!

I've got 2 Emu Eggs due around then. They are on day 25 now, so they will hatch a bit early or sort of on time depending on when they decide to hatch. Anywhere from 48-54 days or longer after setting!

I am also trying to find some chicken eggs for the hatch as well, but no promises there!

This sounds so fun!!!

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