Valentine's Day Hatch

I'll join ya'll for the Valentine's Day hatch.

Not sure I'll get 2 dozen eggs set, but I've already asked my friend BeccaOh for a dozen Silver Grey Dorking eggs from her flock for next week and she said sure! Good excuse to test fertility for her and gives me something to set to hatch for V-Day lol

Hi Aly! I'm so glad you joined! I can't wait to see how it goes with the dorking eggs. Did I tell you I'm going to hatch Partridge Bantam Wyandottes? I think they are going to be super cute. I'm also getting eggs from SCG. If nothing else, they are going to hatch with a crazy sense of humor (luv ya SCG!)

My Bad Azz silkie eggs are going into lockdown tonight. I thought there were 3 quitters, guess I was mistaken. I pulled 2, everything else is still kicking. I also have 3 of my silkie eggs in there, 2 partridge and a mutt (color wise).

I am expecting a boat load of eggs by early next week. Maybe I'll even throw in some of my cochins if I have room.

Welcome to the Valentine's Day Hatch!
id like to join this hatch. i'll be setting eggs tomorrow morning so it will be a few days early - but i'd enjoy the company if thats ok.
i'll spend the weekend catching up on the thread :)
Well, I thought I was going to have a TON of eggs to set but Mother Nature has other plans for me. Two of the peeps sending me eggs won't be able to ship until Monday (weather related issues). I won't be setting the shipped eggs until Wednesday at the earliest. My big incubator may not make it until Friday but I think I'd have room in my LG's. I have eggs that need to be set today and more that will be coming tonight or tomorrow. I don't really want to wait for Tuesday for those guys.

I will still have my swap eggs (thank you!!) and I think I'll add what ever cochin and silkie eggs I get between now and Tuesday.

Are we just a bit nuts to be trying this during the worst weather of the year?

I am sending my swap eggs out today. I hope my partners end up with real good hatches, lots of cute fuzzy butts.
My eggs arrived early so I have 8 Yokohama eggs and 6 EE eggs that I set yesterday.

I have 40 Button Quail eggs that will arrive in time to set for the Quail date, so I am still in for the hatch.

I also have 4 Emu eggs that will be hatching somewhere around then.
My eggs arrived early so I have 8 Yokohama eggs and 6 EE eggs that I set yesterday.

I have 40 Button Quail eggs that will arrive in time to set for the Quail date, so I am still in for the hatch.

I also have 4 Emu eggs that will be hatching somewhere around then.

Can't wait to see bb emu pics.


My eggs are winging their way East and West and I've PMd everyone their tracking #s and let's hope everything goes well and everyone gets their packages on Monday.
Well I stumbled across an auction on EBay. I have never bought eggs from EBay before, but the listing was great! It made me smile and so I bid, and then I sent to listee a note thanking her for the smile. She shipped them today and I just might have them in time to set for Valentine's!

Plus I plan on putting in a bunch of my own.
I see that a few folks have set early, so I'll just sidle on in here for the good company.
Mrheinz77 just sent me some lovely Welsummer eggs that arrived today and there were 2 other boxes containing some Silkie eggs and some Wheaten Ameraucanas so I'll be setting them tomorrow. Hope we all have great hatches, it will be fun to follow along with everyone!
Yesterday I saw a picture of a silkie mix on FB. Boyfriend saw it over my shoulder and the ensuing conversation went something like this:
"What is that? It looks terrible."
"It's a silkie mix."
"Well it looks like the devil"
"No, you want to see the devil? Let me show you La Fleche"


"Why don't we have any of those? They're cool looking."

So who sells La Felche eggs?

Well I stumbled across an auction on EBay. I have never bought eggs from EBay before, but the listing was great! It made me smile and so I bid, and then I sent to listee a note thanking her for the smile. She shipped them today and I just might have them in time to set for Valentine's!

Plus I plan on putting in a bunch of my own.

What kind
What kind
Nellie Rockinpaints is sending me BBS ameraucana and
Mr. Jim Hienz is sending me Iowa Blues and
Deb Hot2Pot just sent me 28 RIR and 28 GLWs but I am going to set them today
. I thought man she sure used a big box for two dozen eggs
. Have any of you seen a show call Portlandia? On NPR they had an interview with two of it's creators and then had a little piece of one of the shows that had aired. It was hysteracal
It was about two people going into a "green" restaurant and ordering organic fee range hertigage chicken for dinner. I'll see if I can't record a sound clip some way. Absolutely hysterical

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