Valentine's Day Hatch

The horrible morning that I had (ice everywhere, slid down the driveway with chicken food in hand, had to army crawl back to the garage, ruined work clothes, discovered upon entering my closet that what I was wearing was my last fitting clean pair of work pants... then sliding down the driveway sideways in my car...

Good thing you weren't carrying all those eggs!

An hour and fifteen minutes down.

20 days, 22 hours and 45 minutes to go! (Give or take,

I set another 8 eggs from my own birds... a project.
they are fertile.
added to my eggs under a broody, I set a whole 13 eggs...... that is pathetic.

I have eggs shipping out my way tomorrow and will add some more from my birds.
I'm here to hatch along, although, I'm not sure if I signed up appropriately as my computer time has been a bit disrupted lately...Anyway, tonight I set 70 eggs and will slide in one more in the morning...Mostly silkies - blue, splash , black, white/partridges, some Wheatens, Lavendar Orps, Lav. Am, and Welsummers and some really dark Black Copper Marans... Set them about 9:00 pm tonight.... Here's hoping and praying all goes well...........
I have you beat...I have a whopping 2 going on lockdown tomorrow and they are all I set that hatch!With it being winter my Duccle lays very few and I ahtch them all!! I dont use arti light or I could fix that laying problem!

I am setting 7 eggs. All are from my flock. 6 Tomaru Longcrowers and 1 mutt egg.
Its a test hatch. I am really hoping that the Longcrowers are fertile.
Mine are set, but I was only able to set a dozen today. I set 34 eggs 3 days ago, and I have 18 eggs that I had set about a week and a half ago.
I have mine mostly set but I'll have a bit of a staggered hatch too. I set 11 Barred Rocks on Saturday which I won't count for Valentines day.
22 swap eggs
19 Iowa Blues
8 Iowa Blue/EE
Unfortunately I haven't received the Icelandic eggs Kathyinmo mailed me Friday
Hopefully they'll come tomorrow and I can still get them in!!
I set 129 eggs today. I'll set my last set of swap eggs if they get here tomorrow and some purchased BLRW and LO eggs (18+). I also set 2 duck and 4 goose eggs last week. So I'll have about 160 eggs for this hatch if I don't set any quail eggs later this week. Some of the eggs are test eggs and others are old so I'm not expecting a great hatch.
I will be setting late. The semester was over 2 weeks ago and now I have a student decide to come in and finish late work. Missing 13+ days out of 45 makes it kind of hard to pass.

Come on 4:00
Completely off topic but what do you teach? Somehow I can't imagine one of my teachers ever letting a student who'd missed so much come in so late, you must be very patient with your students. :) On topic, sign up... ah... lemme get back to you, I forgot to count how many went under which broody so I'm not sure what I set! :lol: Ah well, at least I'm expecting chicklets even if I'm not sure how many. :gig Maybe it's part of the chicken math denial? If I don't count 'em I can honestly tell DH I don't know how many are cooking? Maybe? :oops:

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