Valentine's Day Hatch

There is someone here who has the same kind of sheep, and wants to trade 4 of her lambs for my Sportsman incubator that I have been trying to sell. I do would love to have them, but I will have to get my parents permission. I am going to wait to ask again in April when get the fencing done for the cows.

For perspective, we bought our original stock $350 for an older ram lamb and $150 each for four ewes, all nicely marked. We sell freezer lambs for $75 (100#, plus). We got our stock from Ken Willard.

Good luck, dorper are a great sheep. We normally have very few problems with them lambing. This lamb was just so huge, she had trouble delivering on her own. They have the added advantage of being a hair shearing! The same day, another ewe had twins.

Okay, finally set 42 eggs on just the right date, but only today signed up on the sheet.

I'm super excited, this is my first hatch of the year. I pulled out my dusty incubator, haven't used it since August. Love hatching season!!

I've got 20 Polish eggs in, most are odd colors and Tolbunt splits but several are pure Tolbunt.

I've got another 22 Easter Egger eggs in as well, all bright sky blue in color, all going to turn out with crazy colors, possible frizzling, and possible small to large sized crests.

I'm very excited, as this time the incubator is in my bedroom, so as soon as they peep and hatch, I'll know. Even if it is in the middle of the night.

I'm expecting to see a lot of mottled chicks this batch, both EE and Polish.
Ok, 30 eggs in. 24 gorgeous blue eggs from hot2pot (thank you!!) and 6 mutts of my own as 'just in case' eggs. The shipped eggs spent several extra days in the postal system so let's hope they hatch. Plus I managed to fumble one and crack it on the air cell side, but I've taped it up. We shall see. :)

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