Valentine's Day Hatch

Ok, I know some of you are fretting about unplugged incubators so I'll let you know what happened here. I had a broody sitting in the main layer coop as I need more broody pens. She'd been sitting well then we had a huge thunderstorm come through unexpectedly and where she'd chosen to sit she wasn't undercover. (It's been baking hot here and since it was shady I'd left her sit there) Well she got drowned and her nest got wet so I hastely rigged up a roof for her and gave her new dry bedding. All was well. Next evening I check them and one of the other hens has kicked her out and scattered her eggs everywhere and had a dustbath in her new nest.
Momma hen was busy rolling her eggs back into the nest and making angry clucks so I left her too it thinking she'd be back on shortly. Check next morning and she's off eating and most of the eggs are back where they should be. Since the broodies often get off to see if I've brought treats I don't worry about the ones in the nest but think the others will be gone now anyway as it had been cold overnight. I'd have rounded them up then but DH wanted to go shopping so that afternoon when I got back I check again in momma hen is walking around the coop showing no interest in her nest and her eggs have been kicked everywhere again!
Go in with a bucket to collect them thinging there is no way they will have survived a cold wet day out of the nest and while collecting them I accidentally broke one of the eggs and it had a live baby in it!
Very carefully rounded up the rest of the freezing cold, wet, muddy eggs up and raced in to candle them. After a quick rub over with a hot damp cloth I looked and had 8 with veins! Hastily moved them into the 'bator and crossed my fingers. Candled that night and 6 were still but two were waving at me!
Candled last night and all 8 were wiggling around in there!

So don't give up on chilled eggs! I have no idea if these chicks will hatch but they are looking good right now.
Wow! Those eggs have seen some hard times. I hope they all hatch and you can name them Miracle, Lucky, Hope....etc.
That sounds about right! I thought for sure they were all gone but all of them look fine. Going to expect them to hatch late but any hatching at all now is amazing. Goes to show they are tougher than we think.

Come on little chickies. :fl
Congrats everyone who's candled their eggs with good rates!
I culled out my duds a few days ago, and candled again just to make sure no-one quit out in the mean time, so far so good. Got 68% fertility going in this batch. Not great but better than 50%

Can't wait for Valentine's day!
In answer to the banana video?: No we have 3 cochins, one RIR/cochin, 2 easter eggers and 2??? in that coop
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LOL SCG, you are just as celebrity illiterate as I am... well, I'm worse. So that's who lady gaga is! snicker. Looks like my poor little red hen has no votes at all.
Maybe I should advertise the contest in the homeschool forum!
(I can say that, my kids are homeschooled...)
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LOL SCG, you are just as celebrity illiterate as I am... well, I'm worse. So that's who lady gaga is! snicker. Looks like my poor little red hen has no votes at all.
Maybe I should advertise the contest in the homeschool forum!
(I can say that, my kids are homeschooled...)

Sorry your little red hen had no votes, I thought it was clever.

I am so bad with celebrities because I really don't give a rats behind about any of them. I had to google Brittany Murphy (first I thought she was the one who had just overdosed but that was some Amy Winehouse creature - googled the 27 club... then I remembered she was in a movie a while ago I had seen advertised that also had Winona Rider in it, but I didn't know the name of the movie... so a few minutes at IMDB and I found her but the photo was pre-screwing up her lips with collagen... so then back to google images to see if that really was her... so I did attempt to get the celebrities right)

Please advertise... looks like 3 of the photos are just about chicken neck to neck... I'd like a few more votes before I call it.
LOL SCG, you are just as celebrity illiterate as I am... well, I'm worse. So that's who lady gaga is! snicker. Looks like my poor little red hen has no votes at all.
Maybe I should advertise the contest in the homeschool forum!
(I can say that, my kids are homeschooled...)

I think your little red hen was precious and it looked to me that it had a vote or two

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