Valentine's Day Hatch

I'm not sure about throwing away the ones I "think" are blood rings anymore last time I did and it cracked in the trash can so I looked and sure enough it was alive. I have a few that look like blood rings but I am keeping my eye on them this time instead until I figure out for sure what they look like.
I plan on candling mine tonight!! I'm nervous and excited, lol...
First time I candled only had to pull 2 out,
most are still showing development!!!
Good luck on the candling folks!
I candled and culled long ago, so right now I've got 30 eggs left, and we're almost there at week 2, I can't wait til lockdown!! I hope at LEAST 27 chicks hatch out.
My 3 Tomaru Longcrowers eggs are still doing well, and the mutt egg too! :woot

What I use for candling is a head light (Type for wearing on your forehead), and I hold the light on each egg, without taking the egg out of the incubator to prevent dropping the egg. I love it. :D
Congrats on every ones candling
I'm trying again today, hope theirs no quitters
. Somebody post some candling picks too. I really want to see how other eggs look compared to the ones in my bator right now.....wel happy hatching everybody
I'll get some day 14 candling pics tomorrow. Both blue and white eggs, in case people want to know how a non-white egg looks and how an easy (white) looks. No dark eggs this round though.
SCG I hope those eggies make it! they are pretty hardy,don't know about shipped ones tho...
I have pulled two more barred rock eggs from John they never developed...clear. One had a blood squiggle just wasnt a ring but was was a flinger anyway... And six of Kari's are still going and looking great! Comeon Iowa Blues! We had Ten found a crack in one, pulled three more clears, MY little EE/iowas are both doing great!! Im gonna go candle my Barred rocks again I sure hope I get at least a few!

We set lots of eggs prior to the valentines set day,since some came in early we didn't want them to sit
SO we HAD set 24 for the hatch on Valentines day (My Anniversary).But have pulled some maybe alot....shipping? I was wondering, how we are calculating the hatch rate? just straight up from what you set originally? or once you lock down the eggs that are viable and calculate the hatch rate from that? which way? sorry just not sure.
Surely we don't have to count non-viable eggs in our hatch rate? I'm asking for the contest.
Hatch rate is from eggs set so if you put 10 in the 'bator at the start 2 are infertile and 8 hatch you've got 80%. :)
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ok so we are counting the fertility rate as the hatch rate? Did I get that right? TOTAL eggs set is what you are counting from? CRAP I coulda used my eggs from here that werent shipped! I am out of the hatch rate race for sure
...cause I have pulled ALL but 2 barred rocks and they were clear or barely started and quit. There were 12 of Those the last two one is GOOD and one is iffy ughh
stupid PO! Fertility rate,hatch rate,wouldnt matter since several were fertile but quit...poor babies. ALL the ones I set prior and didn't wait seem to be fairing a little better...I have so much going on! we lockdown hot2pots tomorrow and Emvickorys have culled some for various reasons on both, prolly again PO issues. but still have over half on both EM sent 33 eggs and Hot sent 50+ I think around 50 have made it to this stage I will know tomorrow here is the eggs once they came in ALL at once...we waited a couple of day for the set date on Karis and Johns wonder if that hurt the hatch rate?


These are The eggs we set them all except the 24 for the valentines day hatch...This was 108 eggs and some were in the incubators already...I Have a hatching problem! chicken math....did it.

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