Valentine's Day Hatch

i think i am on day 18 today. i set the night of jan 20, anyone want to help me with my math? i candled 2 random eggs when i got home from work and i think there is still room to grow, but maybe it'll fill up in 3 days? i'm worried if i lock down today its too early, and if i lock down tomorrow its too late. my humidity has been 35-40% and temp 100-102 in a still air for the entire time. any ideas? should i go ahead and lock down tonight and hope for the best?

I do believe you're right about which day you're on. Go ahead lock em down. I usually dont raise the humidity until day 20, even if you wait til tomorrow you should be fine unless you're expecting early hatchers.
Wow my kitchen was a mess!
I didn't even notice till I read that, I was to busy admiring the eggies! :gig
Wow my kitchen was a mess!

Actually, I was looking at your kitchen in the photo and admiring it. I am SO dying to remodel my kitchen, but I don't have the $$$.

I always look at the backgrounds in photos. It's amazing what you'll see sometimes. Someone at work brought in pictures of their new kitten for people to see and that's when I discovered they were a bit of a hoarder. The empty mayo jar (amongst many other things) sitting on the living room floor with a knife sticking out of it was kind of a give away.

I always check the background of pics before I post them and crop as required.

I had a great pic of my chickens free ranging with next doors nudie son in the background. (Hot weather + sprinkler = no clothes :lol: ) I didn't notice when I took the pic but I sure wouldn't post that pic on the net!
I always check the background of pics before I post them and crop as required.
I had a great pic of my chickens free ranging with next doors nudie son in the background. (Hot weather + sprinkler = no clothes
) I didn't notice when I took the pic but I sure wouldn't post that pic on the net!

LOL, I try to look before I hit the shutter release. You know, the tree growing out of the top of people's heads, etc....

I do believe you're right about which day you're on. Go ahead lock em down. I usually dont raise the humidity until day 20, even if you wait til tomorrow you should be fine unless you're expecting early hatchers.

thanks for that, i just needed the little push. was a good thing i listened. as i was candling for lock down i noticed an internal pip and when i was going through the other eggs this one kept 'beeping' at me. i have 5 different breeds hatching and in an effort to separate them i put paper egg cartons in as dividers. then, after i did it i was thinking that was a bad idea because wont they suck up the humidity? anyone with experience here please let me know. what are some things other hatchers have used for dividers, if any.
i am really going to try and not open the incubator until the hatch is complete, last hatch i had to help 2 from shrink wrap and lost at least 5 others all because i kept opening and losing humidity.
thanks for that, i just needed the little push. was a good thing i listened. as i was candling for lock down i noticed an internal pip and when i was going through the other eggs this one kept 'beeping' at me. i have 5 different breeds hatching and in an effort to separate them i put paper egg cartons in as dividers. then, after i did it i was thinking that was a bad idea because wont they suck up the humidity? anyone with experience here please let me know. what are some things other hatchers have used for dividers, if any.
i am really going to try and not open the incubator until the hatch is complete, last hatch i had to help 2 from shrink wrap and lost at least 5 others all because i kept opening and losing humidity.

You could use egg cartons, I know some people here hatch in them, one the humidity is stable they shouldn't cause sudden drops or anything, and I've never had them become soggy or anything from humidity.
I wish I could leave mine closed, I have one that pipped the wrong end and can't really move.
ooh, i'm really sorry to hear that. what happens to the chick if they pip the wrong end? is there a way to help or just hope for the best?
i freaked out a bit and tried to make a divider out of a piece of screen, that did not work out so well. i decided to just keep one egg carton divider in there, but it probably wont help, its not too tall and spunky little chicks will just climb all over it. next time i need to prepare better, or not have so many eggs... but thats probably not going to happen!

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