Valentine's Day Hatch

Dingo, they are adorable! I've been teased.

Bad news here. I went to turn my eggs yesterday and the temp was 106 degrees! I had turned those eggs 8 hours before and the temp was okay, so they were at 106 for 8 hours or less. Don't know if any survived. Then today the incubator with my emu eggs was at 101.5 degrees when I went to turn them....DANG IT! I don't know what's going on.

Oh No! Hope they are ok!
I purged eggs today and have 36 still going out of my original 45, and I think 4 of them are no good.

The "cage free" eggs I got from the health food store, apparently they don't have a rooster running with their girls. I've already tossed 9 that were clear. The three that are left are probably going before lockdown. Dang, they were so pretty, I just hoped they had a boy.

My Trader Joe eggs, I still have all 12, but I think one is a quitter.
My campines, still got 12 out of 12.
My EE, still have 9 out of 9, but I've only candled one so far. I couldn't see earlier because of the color/density of the shell, but I checked one yesterday and it waved back. I'll just wait and candle them for lock down.

So there you go, don't guess on if bought eggs are fertile...........I think they wrecked my hatch rate,

my 7 year old sure loves the 'flingers'. Sadly, he got two the other day and I will probably hand him another one today, which brings me down to 5. My dear husband offered some hens to a good friend, when I had all ready promised my extra hens to someone else.
Perhaps I should have put more eggs in the incubator for this hatch!

Oh, that is so funny about your son loving the "flingers"!!!! It instantly reminded me of MY son 20 years ago!!!
ooh, i'm really sorry to hear that. what happens to the chick if they pip the wrong end? is there a way to help or just hope for the best?
i freaked out a bit and tried to make a divider out of a piece of screen, that did not work out so well. i decided to just keep one egg carton divider in there, but it probably wont help, its not too tall and spunky little chicks will just climb all over it. next time i need to prepare better, or not have so many eggs... but thats probably not going to happen!

At the dollar store I found some plastic thingies made for silverware, I think. about 2" by 2" by 8" or 10" long. The sides are all nice open mesh with holes about half an inch wide. 3 or 4 for $1.00! Last hatch I rigged up something, but the active little dickenses jumped over the sides. This time I will tape or tie 2 of those silverware things together, but it will have to lie on its side since it would be too tall and would hit the heating element of my LG incubator otherwise. they won't escape this time!
At the dollar store I found some plastic thingies made for silverware, I think. about 2" by 2" by 8" or 10" long. The sides are all nice open mesh with holes about half an inch wide. 3 or 4 for $1.00! Last hatch I rigged up something, but the active little dickenses jumped over the sides. This time I will tape or tie 2 of those silverware things together, but it will have to lie on its side since it would be too tall and would hit the heating element of my LG incubator otherwise. they won't escape this time!

I used some plastic silverware things about the same size as yours. I didn't make a cage with them though, so now the hardware cloth rack now has a 4x4 hole in it cause the quail managed to fall through...

ETA; I have 3 more pips. 2 wyandottes and another ameraucana. I lost a couple more quail too, I'm guessing they may have been slightly aircell down cause they were also in the wrong position and pipped the bottoms, one made it through the shell but not the membrane, another had zipped then got stuck and I found it too late. One other quail that I had found stuck upside down and partially zipped had to be helped. It seems fine now, the only rosetta of this hatch so far.
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