Valentine's Day Hatch

Neck of a giraffe...

I won't tell my showgirls or my turkens.

And the ...

you are super lame
with your stupid chicken stuff
but i still love you just spot on. Sometimes I wonder what he thinks about all the birds around here, and the chicken swaps I drag him to, and my dream of goats and emus... but then I figure, he doesn't say anything and I really don't want to know.
Ok, here's a question.. :) I have one egg that I fumble fingered and had nothing to apply but scotch tape in an X shape over the aircell side. The egg is developing nicely! In the past I used candle wax, but didn't have any handy this time around. A chick can pip through wax, but through tape? Should I remove the tape at lockdown or hope the chick finds a pip spot where it's not taped? All my 'wax babies' managed ok, but.. :)
Ok, here's a question.. :) I have one egg that I fumble fingered and had nothing to apply but scotch tape in an X shape over the aircell side. The egg is developing nicely! In the past I used candle wax, but didn't have any handy this time around. A chick can pip through wax, but through tape? Should I remove the tape at lockdown or hope the chick finds a pip spot where it's not taped? All my 'wax babies' managed ok, but.. :)

I'd assume they couldn't pip through tape - I have a hard enough time getting it off my fingers when it twists around. How bad is the crack? I might just watch and wait and then help when needed, but then the rest of your eggs might suffer for you going in there. So I'd probably just remove it.
I'd assume they couldn't pip through tape - I have a hard enough time getting it off my fingers when it twists around. How bad is the crack? I might just watch and wait and then help when needed, but then the rest of your eggs might suffer for you going in there. So I'd probably just remove it.

It's a pretty bad crack. I was surprised the egg was developing.! My dilemma is due to thinking that removing the tape might take the shell with it and/or cause the chick to shrinkwrap. I guess I'll take a peek at it on lockdown and make the decision then. :p
my haiku:

my nightly hobby
watching these chicks hatch from eggs
waiting pip to zip

my husbands haiku: (in response to mine)

you are super lame
with your stupid chicken stuff
but i still love you


I just laughed so loud my DH who's in the other room wanted to know what I was reading. He agrees with your DH by the way.
Oh well, at least he's given up trying to count the chickens here and just accepts that they have a habit of multiplying.
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love the poetry! and the films (i will HAVE to put swings in my new coop i'm building now), and the photos! i just joined BYC today, so won't be joining the contest, but i do have 28 eggs due to hatch on valentines day, and a hubby that agrees that chickens are kinda silly. i didn't realize i was going to have a valentine's hatch until i actually got out the calendar, i literally was just collecting eggs until the turner was full! and i didn't get them into the incubator until about 6:30pm. on days 5 and 8 i candled and found that some were collected too early after putting in the rooster and they weren't fertilized, so out they came. so from 42 i have 28 that look good so far. i'm trying to keep my hands off them now until tuesday (except to get them off the turner this weekend)! and on tuesday i'm interviewing people at work so i can't even be home to obsess (oh, wait, i mean "watch")! and i can't get the camera to focus on the bottom of the incubator (self focus, gets the digital readout on the top of the incubator VERY nicely). so i'll just have to wait and see what (if anything) happens! these are just mutts....barred rock rooster on RIR, RIR x columbian, barred rock, black sex linked and new hampshire girls from my mixed flock. I lost 3 hens from my flock 1 to coyote, 2 to barn cat (evil humungous barn cat....which last weekend itself got eaten by coyotes in broad daylight about 20 acres away from where i was working on my new coop!). so down to 8 hens with orders for LOTS of farmgate eggs-can't meet the demand, so....need more girls! i'm a little scared because i have another incubator to hatch on the 21st, and if all these eggs that look good by candling hatch i'm going to have 69 chicks running around! but that's what obsession does i guess....i couldn't bear to throw out any eggs and leave a turner half full! so i hope i did everything right and get fuzzybutts soon! and i hope tuesday hurries up and gets here so i can see photos of all the new chicks everyone's hatching!
I love the poetry.

My husband just calls me Crazy Chicken Lady :)
Neck of a giraffe...

I won't tell my showgirls or my turkens.

And the ...

you are super lame
with your stupid chicken stuff
but i still love you just spot on. Sometimes I wonder what he thinks about all the birds around here, and the chicken swaps I drag him to, and my dream of goats and emus... but then I figure, he doesn't say anything and I really don't want to know.

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