Valentine's Day Hatch

I pulled my two questionables today and I have.. hmmm. 23 left I believe. Need to double check. I started a day late so I am not locking down until tomorrow night but I took the eggs off the turner and am just rocking the incubator. had to check on my taped egg (still doing well) and pull those two 'no good' eggs. Most of my eggs are blue hot2pot eggs so I am keeping my fingers crossed!!1

At least one of the 11 NYD chicks I kept is turning into a roo, so that's at least one more I have to rehome. I have enough roos to go around. :)
Melissa Rose, your peeps are darling!!! I want to see the legbars!!!

Hi bikerchic I sure miss you and soooo does SilkieMom We Love You
They are sooooo awesome I'll go take pics!!!!
I have chocolate ameracaunas due today, but I don't see any pips yet. :( I do have 2 more bantam Welsummers in there hatching :)

eta: correction, I just peeked and I have 2 choc amera's pipped! whoot!
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Are these Am's or EE's? I've always been curious on that. Good luck though!!

I'll be putting 30 into lockdown tonight, pretty nice considering I set 42 eggs. Can't wait til they start peeping. I bet I'll wake up in the middle of the night, jump out of bed, and get the flashlight going, nose pressed to the bator.

Here's my rooster courting submission.

My Polish rooster "Bowie" courting a Houdan x Polish hen. If he wasn't crested his whole head would be in the shot, but, it's all about the wings to them, right?

Took a lot of courting shots and sadly most were too far away or just not showy enough. Was fun though. We had sun for a few days and everyone loved it, so I got to spend a lot of time in the back pasture with (most of) the flock.

And hey, whattaya know, about half of the chicks I'll be hatching this Valentine's day are sired by him.
Great pic Illia!! It took me f..o..r..e...v..e...r to get a shot with the wing down and mine isn't nearly as good as yours!!

I havent been able to post anything for a day or so due to a birthday party (sweet 16) AND TWO incys Hatching babies they started yesterday pipping HOT2POT has all her eggs in one hatcher then another hatcher full of EMvicorys eggs...OMG on the mystery wyandottes HOT!!!
BEAUTIFUL WOW! Hey tell me something we got one little egg marked B/S I assumed black silkie....NOPE no black skin no five toes and pink skin YELLOW & TEENIE like a quail or something do you know what that little bugger might be?
I actually have a DB!!!
ANd some beautitul Wyandottes!! A wonderful FUN to watch hatch with all the suprises! and more pipping! My LO is pipping! and another one made into lockdown but hasnt pipped yet...
waiting on a couple os sizzles and the two white AM's and the red silkie....only one made it this hoping it hatches! But there are so many gorgeous babies and they all seem very healthy...We are still waiting on the great big jumbo egg a mystery one....sooo what is that little itty bitty yellow something? sooo cute AND I locked down the Valentines day eggs! ONLY 9 made it to lockdown!
only 2 barred rocks....and pulled another iowa blue,so the two iowa/ee's made it and three IB made it,and two from here made 9
hope they all hatch!
I want to submit a courting rooster pic....I have one kinda iffy pic of him doing the wing down thing which is what evryone is submitting....but I also have a pic of him doing what I call raptor nect right when he begins to puff up.neck arched kinda pic..with one foot up....which one should I use? OR do you have to do the wing dip thing?
Love your legbars Melissa Rose!! I miss you guys too!!! My days at work DRAG by now

I just locked down my eggs. 11 marans, 8 ameraucanas, and 7 from 9catz!!
Let the pipping commence!!!

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