Valentine's Day Hatch

So were details ever established for the poetry/story contest? I think I've read about five of them (including my own
) scattered through about the last twenty pages.

How about the caption contest?

Congratulations on the new chicks

It's a double-edged sword. I want mine to come RIGHT NOW so I'm sure to be home and can watch them, but is it really good for them to be that early?

Oh well, I've never been known for my patience and the waiting game with the eggs wears a path in my carpets. I think emu eggs would kill me!

Hmmmm. I have an empty Incubator now that the Barred Rocks are almost done hatching. Ordered these off eBay as pure SQ Barred Rocks:

See something odd?
Maybe they accidently mixed a cochin egg in with the barred rock eggs they shipped to you? VERY cute chick!

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