Valentine's Day Hatch

I have another hatching, that makes 6!!! woohoo
Hmmmmm if I quote the post I can see what I wrote, but otherwise it is blank.

Well I set mine on 1/23 in the evening, and so they are due tonight. I tapped on my SOLID wood sportsman door and listened for peeping. I heard something in there! So tonight I will open it up and see what I got!

I bought these egg trays off of EBay and they are a sturdy plastic. I was expecting them to be styrofoam. I am hatching in them.
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HAd to check nothing.........
I can't stop know we JUST did a BIG hatch that took TWO BATORS! And still I'm walking and pacing over these 9 eggs....stupid silly addiction,this hatching thing is. I mean theres only nine left ...why am I so worried? could be the bator issue of 91 degrees when I woke up, could have been like that for could just be that I lost so many this time only nine left out of 24! ...stupid PO!..

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