Valentine's Day Hatch

A Tomaru is zipping! And that other 2 eggs have pipped!
It will be a 100 percent hatch!!

Don't count your chickens before they hatch!

Darn this is going on forever everyone else's eggs are hatching and all i got is one pip and a lot of peeping... i have 30 eggs in here and on day 18 they all are doing great so i should get a good hatch...

the one that has piped did so at 10 am this morning! its 6:45 now and i just want to see it.
I begrudgingly went to work and put in a six hour day, then said............."I'm going home to watch my eggs hatch!"

I had been getting phone call updates from DH, but I came home to 4.5 chicks and 13 more pips. The chicks were two EE (one for sure had muffs) and two campine. The half chick is a black mutt chick.

So far nothing from the TJ eggs. They were so small inside, I doubt they'll be early.

No pips yet for me either, but I didn't get to set my eggs until that night, so maybe I start seeing pips in the morning. I do see some wiggling though! And I can here a peep everyonce in a while!

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