Valentine's Day Hatch

I have 2 out and 4 of those is zipped but I dont see ANY movement...I think its dead.I have never had a pip not hatch!! Still no action on the quail...hope I ran thier incubation right! it is only day 17 for them! And day 20 on my chicken eggs!
Pips! I got two pips!! One Polish and one EE.

Who knows, I just might get the first chick out right at midnight.
I now have 13 chicks hatched. After four long hours of being zipped with a half inch gap in the shell, the half chick finally made an appearance. I have another 8 pips (including one of the Trader Joe eggs).

ok my eggs were due to hatch out on the 11th but the bator got turned off and temp went down to 88 and i have not been that hopefully as the kids also turned the dial up and themp went to 115 for a few mins but low and behold i have internal pips now. two have been pipped since last night at around 1130 pm (thats when i did a candle to see if they had developed any more as they didnt even have the egg filled up yet) they havent externally piped yet so i might have some vday chicks
Well 11 of my 12 EBAY eggs hatched!

In addition to that I have 21 of my own fluffy butts, with 2 in the incubator still trying to hatch. Not a bad hatch at all!
my hatch is done with 16 babies. it was a stressful weekend, most of my chicks were hatched on or before friday day and i had one egg in there pipped for over 30 hours so i started messing with it in my complete impatience. for 12 hours i would take off a little shell and put it back in the bator, tear some membrane and put it back, i really wanted it to hatch itself cuz i was afraid if i did all the work it would be weak. but around midnight i had enough, i thought it would die either way so started to hatch it, freaking out when i saw the umbilical cord still attached and IN USE. oh my goodness was i terrified i had just screwed up big time. so i put it on a wet rag and put it back and left it alone til sunday morning, when i woke up to 2 more chicks! that one, and their little sibling.

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