Valentine's Day Hatch


I have 4 pips now too!

I'm really wondering if I'll get my first chick on the first minute of Valentine's day or just a few hours beforehand. I know I'll sleep little tonight.
Usually I had the bator in the kitchen but this time it's in my bedroom, so, sleep will be filled with peep peep peeps.
no way that first pip will even be my first one out! and surely not in two hours!well and hour and a half! was there a prize for that one? HAlf the time they are like 5th to hatch for some reason!
congrats to you both!!


I have 4 pips now too!

I'm really wondering if I'll get my first chick on the first minute of Valentine's day or just a few hours beforehand. I know I'll sleep little tonight.
Usually I had the bator in the kitchen but this time it's in my bedroom, so, sleep will be filled with peep peep peeps.

15 chicks, 9 more pips!!!


Ugh!! The suspence is killing me!! I've been hearing peeps all day, once I hear them I rush to the bator, only to find out it's some birds outside my window, and the parakeets in the living room. No peeps, no pip, no nothing................ But I set a day late so I have till Wednesday
Well 11 of my 12 EBAY eggs hatched!

That's incredibly good odds for shipped eggs. I haven't noticed a difference between Ebay eggs and eggs I've gotten from BYC. They were all abysmal failures for me. Every shipped egg I've received has had virtually no air cell or were a broken, stinky mess in the shipping box.
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4 Pips :) out of 10 :) so far but 2 have pipped the pointy end :S and 2 have pipped the normal place :) but hopeful the other 2 are okay

Now i got 6 Pipped ;) Cant wait to hatch im bouncing of the celling
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