Valentine's Day Hatch

The Winner of the Mini-Video Contest is:
Melissa Rose with her videoJust a Swingin
' Starring Cinymon

Congratulations Melissa Rose...PM me your address and when you'd like me to ship your eggs.
I officially have one hatched.. one more pipped when I left for work this morning.. hoping that 6:00 pm brings more fuzzy butts

Got five out now. Funny thing is, the fifth is my first Polish, who was actually the first to pip yesterday. So far it looks to be mottled, not much lacing going on though.

Just waitin' for the next little fella to come out. . . I have 26 left!
For a V-Day hatch it's quiet today.

I've got several EE's out now, all different awesome colors (one pretty close to Tolbunt, a couple others just simply mottled) plus I've got a few Polish out too. One of my EE's has five toes on each foot, so it looks like my Houdan male has been workin' it.

Still have loads left, and it's getting busy in there!
The last I checked I had a couple Iowa Blue, Ameraucana, and a mutt (potential NN) pipping. Nothing too exciting here though.

Those are some awesome odds for ebay eggs!
That's incredibly good odds for shipped eggs. I haven't noticed a difference between Ebay eggs and eggs I've gotten from BYC. They were all abysmal failures for me. Every shipped egg I've received has had virtually no air cell or were a broken, stinky mess in the shipping box.
Wow, that is a great hatch!!

I was really shocked with how well they did. It gets even better, she had sent 17 eggs and 5 of them were broken when I got the box! I figured the worst.
WOW! That's amazing! Who did you get them from and what breed?!?!
i had a mixed hatch this time from different people, BLRW, SLB, EE, and a handful of mutts
the 2 miracle babies were silver laced brahmas, so of course i HAD to wait impatiently and not let a single one lay there and perish.
they're all so beautiful and fluffy, i have to go to the store tonight to get batteries for my camera!
I have 26 hatched so far, including 4 Trader Joe eggs so far. There are 3 more pipped eggs, one of those half zipped.


Most of the chicks in the group are dark, so the little TJ's really stand out!


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