Valentine's Day Hatch

I have 7 of each
7 of Nellies Beauteous BBS Ameraucanas and 7 beauteous Iowa Blues from Jim Hienz! 5 of the Iowa Blues are fluffed and in the brooder and two are still zipping in the incubator but are almost done
. One of the Iowa Blues had almost completely zipped but had turned around in the shell back ward and was gone this morning and two looked like they might have quit before lockdown and I just didn't realize it when I put them in so I think that was pretty good
. Now I have 9 of Jim's beauteous Iowa Blues. The two from the NYD hatchalong are a pullet and a roo so hopefully I will have another roo and the rest pullets
. I will make a page up of the Captions that were entered later today so we can vote on the winner of the notecards
Happy Day To All
I have 22 fuzzybutts in my brooder now and 2 more hatching this morning. 3 eggs left, 1 pipped, 2 nothing, so i doubt they'll do much. here are couple pics. have some very interesting patterns being barred rock x everything else LOL. very few purebreds here, i should have 10 or so purebred barred rocks eventually when my next batch hatch next week. I'm hooked for good now!
oh, i started with 27 not too bad!
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Congrats all on their hatches and big
to those not having a good time this round. I hope it ends off better today or tomorrow!

Which has me curiously asking, who here was due Valentine's day and still has eggs left to hatch? I woke up this morning to a ton of chicks in the bator, but still, 5 eggs left to hatch today. One has an obvious pip, the rest seem completely quiet. . . . Hopefully they'll pip today and hatch today or tonight. I want a good hatch rate. So far I've got 25/30.
yikes! They would never dry! 90% Do you have a little access window on top? some of mine do but the bigger hovabators are glued down, you would have to pick up the lid...Do you put your eggs in cartons? or trays or anything? I can use the access window pretty good without disturbing the humidity to much in the smaller I guess they are LG's...but the temp will fall if you arent careful AND then I always burn my danged hand on the element! that is one thing I hate about those kind...The lid is low and the chicks start walking around on other eggs in a carton....they are tall enough to get burned on the element...when that happens I start yanking em out of there...I hate that! ~ Cyndy

In the Styrofoam incubators, I was told some people put a pencil between the top and bottom at one corner to vent the humidity. Since warm air rises, the incubator stays about where it should be.
I have 1.5 chicks!! Both from my 'free contest win' hot2pot blue eggs. One is black or blue (will see when it dries out) and the other looks like it will be buff/yellow (same.. but it's zipping out now so can't see for sure). =)
I Had 6 hatch of 8 - but it was 10 but 2 werent fertile or where but died and then i had 7 pips and one died trying to get out :(

But i got 6 better then none :p
I get some pictures soon
Out out of 45 eggs set, 21 went to lock down. 1 pipped and one I did everything for it.

The one I helped the whole 9-yards had a missing eye and a deformed beak! I've literaly seen nothing like it! I hope it passes away in its sleep... I don't think I could give it the attention it would require.

So, I've essentially got a 0% hatch.

Congrats to anyone who at least had a couple of chicks hatch.

Maybe the eggs I put in my HM last week and yesterday'll hatch. :/ I'm pretty disheartened bc I wanted at leas a couple cochinXamericaunas to hatch.

Debs_Flock: when are you going to post some pics of your new grand-chickies?

Farmerboy16: cool chicks :) never even heard of Tomaru Longcrowers before this forum. They kinda resemble Australorp chicks, if ya ask me.

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