Valentine's Day Hatch

Thanks Featherz, but what would I do with one chick? My other eggs(buton quail) aren't due for another 10 days and everyone else is too big. Poor fellah, I hate that I'm too emotionally weak to put down a malfunctioning bird. :(
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Thanks Featherz, but what would I do with one chick? My other eggs(buton quail) aren't due for another 10 days and everyone else is too big. Poor fellah, I hate that I'm too emotionally weak to put down a malfunctioning bird.

Aww poor birdie.. well, if he does well, bed him down with a feather duster or stuffed animal. :p

Here's my horrible pic (so hard to get a good brinsea pic) of my second one out.. love those blue eggs!!

How did the tape egg do?

I've got I think 21 chicks hatched from this. Most are black with yellow wing tips but I have two that are ancona that are the awesomest yellow and black polka dotted.

I have 2 eggs left unpipped and 1 dead in the shell that was incredibly tiny and liquidy but alive when I cracked the shell. Almost like it was behind a few days.
How did the tape egg do?

I've got I think 21 chicks hatched from this. Most are black with yellow wing tips but I have two that are ancona that are the awesomest yellow and black polka dotted.

I have 2 eggs left unpipped and 1 dead in the shell that was incredibly tiny and liquidy but alive when I cracked the shell. Almost like it was behind a few days.

Tape egg has shown no signs of pipping yet, but there are other eggs that are unpipped as well. It still has a small bit of tape on it, so IF the chickie pips, s/he better not pick that spot. I put it 'no tape' side up so it will get the hint. :)

Ooo! A brown egg of mine just hatched.. and guess what? It's a NN!!

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