Valentine's Day Hatch

No NN for me this hatch, an odd occurrence in these parts.Wonder if any of my egg swap partners hatched NN from me?
That's a shame...I got 6 this time!

Here's an aerial shot of all but a couple stragglers still in the bator. Pictured are 15 silkies, 6 NN wannabes, 1 BBS wyandotte.

A single pic of my spotted silkie. Can't wait to see what color it turns out to be.

Not one of my shipped eggs made it to lockdown.

To my swap partners...did any of the eggs you got from me hatch?
9catz, I have 2 darling silkies and 1 wyandotte.
I was hoping for a wannabe, but I didn't get one
9catz, I have 2 darling silkies and 1 wyandotte.
I was hoping for a wannabe, but I didn't get one

That's great that you got at least 3......but no wannabes, that's sux. I usually get 1 every hatch and this time I got personal best. When I chose which eggs to ship you, I had my swap eggs and the eggs I was going to incubate all together (62 eggs in total) and I chose eggs at random to send to you.
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I gave my broody 2 eggs. She's a black silkie and this morning a darling bright yellow dotte was poking its head out from under her wing. It was the cutest thing!!
I gave my broody 2 eggs. She's a black silkie and this morning a darling bright yellow dotte was poking its head out from under her wing. It was the cutest thing!!

One of my dotties is in the center of the group shot...the one without feathers on the legs. I have another one that is still in the bator working on getting out of the shell.
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So i have 11 fluffy butts... took what seems like forever this is my first successful hatch last year i tried with a homemade incubator i did it 8 times they never made it past day 8 i think but then i finally got one... it didn't make it past day 3 couldn't get it to eat....

so now i have these girls ( at least i hope there girls )

they are mixes the black ones are from one of our coops that are Br's and then the rest are reds X HQ slw or NH red X Americana (EE)
I have 2 in the incubator one BR that i don't think it will make it half the yolk has not been sucked up but it hatched the egg was also stuck to it i feel bad for it.
the other i think is perfectly healthy but it wasn't fluffy so i didn't want to take it out.

I lost one that got rolled over so it couldn't get out and ended up dieing and i lost another cause it was weak and it also wouldn't open it's eyes.

so i had 15 hatch out of 30 eggs..
I finally got my first Valentines baby this afternoon. Looks like a few more will hatch overnight. I'm not surprised they are late... I had almost given up. When I got back from a trip, my incubator had dropped 10 degrees. I'd been gone 3 days and left my mom in charge...

The chick that hatched is from SCG, from a dark egg. There are 2 green eggs that have pipped and another dark egg looks promising. Only about half made it to lockdown.

I had lavender silkie chicks due today. So far I have one egg pipped but since they went through the same cool down, I'm going to give them lots of extra time.

I'll take pictures when there are more babies.
Out out of 45 eggs set, 21 went to lock down. 1 pipped and one I did everything for it.

The one I helped the whole 9-yards had a missing eye and a deformed beak! I've literaly seen nothing like it! I hope it passes away in its sleep... I don't think I could give it the attention it would require.

So, I've essentially got a 0% hatch.

Congrats to anyone who at least had a couple of chicks hatch.

Maybe the eggs I put in my HM last week and yesterday'll hatch. :/ I'm pretty disheartened bc I wanted at leas a couple cochinXamericaunas to hatch.

Farmerboy16: cool chicks :) never even heard of Tomaru Longcrowers before this forum. They kinda resemble Australorp chicks, if ya ask me.

Sorry about your hatch rate. :(

Thanks, Tomaru Longcrowers are pretty rare. Here are the pictures of the parents of the chicks that hatched-

These pictures were taken last fall



These were taken about a month ago-


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