Valentine's Day Hatch

Not one of my shipped eggs made it to lockdown.

And I don't want to hear this! I had eggs shipped out to me yesterday for chickens I have not been able to find locally.


its fun reading about all the hatching going on. cute little chicks everyone, thanks for posting pictures. i did get to the store, but i forgot batteries, so my pictures wont get up anytime soon. by the time i get some these chicks might be living outside!
last night my heat light exploded all over my brooder box. thankfully the pop woke me up and startled the chicks so much they didnt move. i was able to get each one out without incident and clean the mess up. i was very disappointed tho, what did i do that made it pop? i have a lamp rated for 150w and the lady told me to stay on the safe side buy a 100w light, thats what i did and it still exploded. hmmph.
well, happy hatching everyone. i hope all your new chicks do well.
Well finally it is over 7 out of 9 hatched, everyone is in the brooder with the exception of two little iowa blues...still in the incy and very weak one may not be alive by morning...poor very pretty too....sigh.I got 2 BR 2OE and 1 IAB/EE then the 2 IB in the hatcher trying to recover.
Oh My! LeisureChix, that baby is sooo adorable!

Of my hatch, I ended up with 3 chicks. There were 5 eggs at lockdown, one was a quitter around day 15, one was breech and never pipped. Not my best hatch, but that's ok. Looking forward to the Easter Hatch!

Congrats to the good hatches!!! Tears for the bad uns.
YESSS!! 3 have hatched and 2 more pips
. Out of eight that started to develop, I think thats pretty good. 2 of my mutt chickens hatched, one australorp, and the two chciks pipping are an RIR and an australorp. I'l post pics in a bit good luck to everybody who is still hatching
Well, my hatch is done. Got 28 chicks of 30 that were put in lockdown.

And here's a little photo overview. . .

The box of 'em all! The green stuff is alfalfa bedding. In the box are Easter Eggers, Polish, and an Araucana.

First up, here's a trio of Mottled Polish. Notice one has five toes, that's from Houdan grandparentage.

This one in particular is very nice.

This is why - Check out that head!

Here's a trio of "chocolates," on the left is a Tolbunt split Polish (basically gold laced) in the middle back is an Easter Egger who's half Polish, half Buff Ameraucana, and on the right is an Easter Egger who is quarter Houdan, quarter Polish, half Buff Ameraucana. S/he has five toes on each foot and a marvelous light brownish red color.

The split colored Polish, asleep in my hand.

Easter Egger chick's head in detail. This one will mature to be crested, beard/muffed, and have partial lacing.

A trio of Tolbunt Polish

A single Tolbunt Polish chick cheeping.

Trying to handle a bunch of Tolbunts.

I got up and there's five chicks in the bator and one zipping. TWO NN! =) And they are very cute and fluffy since those are NN X EE X Cochin. :) I am not pulling them out yet since there's only five in there - at about 10 I pull out the fluffies before they burst the top off the brinsea. :)

OMG those tolbunt are SO cute! I ordered hatchery chicks this year and threw in one poor polish chick just so I could say I had one in the collection.. (Now I am thinking of cancelling the hatchery order - hatching is more fun LOL).

Pics to come of mine once I get them outta there. :)
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