Vent yeast? Withow cough

Check to see if her nares(nostrils) are clear of any food/debris.

She looks pretty good, except for the sneeze. No eye discharge or mucous?

You can try something like VetRx to see if that helps alleviate the sneezing. Sometimes it can be environmental as well - dusty feed and/or bedding causing symptoms like that.

Crop issues usually are accompanied by not emptying, smelly foul breath and sometimes liquid coming from the beak, etc.
Yeah no drainage and I checked her mouth yesterday and didn't notice a smell. Could be food.... there is a lot of dust with the crumble mix. Got the vetrx.... hope it helps. Thing just a few drops daily in water? Thanks for all the help.... she layer another egg today!
Yeah no drainage and I checked her mouth yesterday and didn't notice a smell. Could be food.... there is a lot of dust with the crumble mix. Got the vetrx.... hope it helps. Thing just a few drops daily in water? Thanks for all the help.... she layer another egg today!

I'm glad to hear she laid an egg

If her feed is dusty, then try offering it wet to see if that makes a difference.

Directions on how to use VetRx should be on the packaging - here's more info:

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