
I'm raising a small flock of Silkies. I 'adopted' an adult rooster in October, and decided he looked desperately lonely so I picked up six chicks this Spring. It's been an interesting experience.
Hi, I'm new! I'm near Stowe and raising chickens for the first time. They are only 2.5 weeks old and SO cute! I wish I started posting on BYC sooner - I've already been straightened out on the breed of some of the chicks (though right now they mostly look very much the same).
Welcome! What breeds do you have? We'd love to see pictures :)

Thanks! Gold & Silver Laced Wyandotte, Black Australorp, EE, Dominique, and I perhaps a Barred Rock & White Plymouth Rock (?).

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Very cute! I see wyandottes and the barred rocks for sure. The white one may be a plymouth rock or perhaps a leghorn, you'll be able to tell which by the ear lobe color when it's older. And the barred ones could be dominiques if they have rose combs.

I think you have a cockerel or two in the bunch, perhaps.
I just got 8 Faverolles from Cackle Hatchery, and I must say damn, they are the cutest little buggers. They're allegedly females, but with my luck they're likely to be all roos. I have 1 rooster, 2 confirmed cockerels and 2 suspected cockerels. Wish me luck!
Good luck with getting hens :)

I really like dominques :) Share pics as they grow older.

I just got a batch of baby Marans from my breeders - got lots of blue/black/splash with really nice leg feathers !!! Go little babies
Congrats on the new chicks! I've been doing some hatching here myself, just hatched a few ayam cemanis the other day and have more coming along. I'm also going to set some guinea eggs today. Some are buff dundotte, the guinea color you really like. My peachicks are doing well, too :)


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