
Not yet, gonna be speaking to them the next time I can catch them outside. In the meantime, I'm thinking I'll be wrapping my feeder with welded wire - the birds will be able to stick their heads in, the pig will not. Doesn't help keep the neighbor's ducks and turkeys from eating it all, but it's a start at least.

The game cam shows that the stupid pig comes over every day around five or six o'clock. Stupid thing has a routine for coming and eating all my feed.
Pigs are on the smartest mammals on the planet list.. He knows what's going on.
I say you are over thinking it - but that is good because it shows you care !!!

Personally - I have an entire side of mine open ALL WINTER - and I only put ply wood in front of it when a slush storm or blizzard is coming in - I realize that may seem heartstopping to some of you so ....

Please do NOT put plastic up past where you expect the snow line - and that only to save your wood - not your chickens. Please do NOT use any type of heat lamp.

As long as they have room to move and make their own choices - they will huddle or NOT according to their personalities .... they are VERY capable of handling our winters - even down into negative numbers - they have a down coat after all !! In my opinion - and I've never lost a bird to cold in 6 years - the most important 2 things - make sure they have a DRY coop and make sure you feed them quality food all winter long.

Good luck - and pictures are always welcome !!!
I was talking about putting plastic up to block wind and snow drift in the run they can continue to go outside in the winter (vs having to shovel snow out of the run). Bad idea?
I was talking about putting plastic up to block wind and snow drift in the run they can continue to go outside in the winter (vs having to shovel snow out of the run). Bad idea?
I was thinking of doing this as well, only with snow fencing. (I live in Eden where it snows from October to May.)
I was talking about putting plastic up to block wind and snow drift in the run they can continue to go outside in the winter (vs having to shovel snow out of the run). Bad idea?
they can go out still but most dont like to walk in the snow and they become easier targets for prey
I was talking about putting plastic up to block wind and snow drift in the run they can continue to go outside in the winter (vs having to shovel snow out of the run). Bad idea?

That should be fine. Make sure you leave a lot of it open though to allow for ventilation.
That should be fine. Make sure you leave a lot of it open though to allow for ventilation.

Yes, one entire side would have no plastic and I would only wrap the bottom part so up high would also be open for airflow.

From above: IMG_2419.JPG
From the front: IMG_2420.JPG
I was talking about putting plastic up to block wind and snow drift in the run they can continue to go outside in the winter (vs having to shovel snow out of the run). Bad idea?

I misunderstood you. Yes this is what I'm doing this year.
ISO - good home. 14 week bantam Cochin / Silkie cockerel. came with my July 11th order from Alchemist. Unfortunately 3 of the 4 are male and I will be picking one of the marans to keep. He is Very sweet and definitely the bottom (even the younger cockerels pick on him).

My flock disclosure: chickens have not been on this property for at least 30 yrs. I got my first round last April from west Leb feed and supply. Added a cockerel a few months later from a 4H backyard breeder. Added this July from Alchemist (not vaccinated). I have only culled 2 birds - 1 from a prolapsed vent that wouldn't fix and the other from a suspected crop issue that we didn't care to deal with (she was scheduled for culling due to bullying that weekend). Both were the original hatchery order. That was over a month ago and none of my flock show any signs of illness (aside from a feather picker I'm trying to deal with).

I live in Claremont nh and work in Chester vt. If interested please let me know!
Yes, one entire side would have no plastic and I would only wrap the bottom part so up high would also be open for airflow.

From above: View attachment 1132205
From the front: View attachment 1132207

That looks good! I've gotta get some plastic next time I'm at a hardware store so I can have it ready to go.

So much I still want to get done before winter. I want to put up another run (I have the fencing, just need to get the posts and build a gate), I want to do a full deep clean on my frizzle flock's coop, and I would love to finish the bantam coop so it's ready in the spring for the bantams I'm going to be getting. How did Fall get here so fast?

I also had an AC go broody this week, which is a weird time of year for that. I'll be letting her hatch because they are always excellent mothers and I'm really not worried about her chicks in the cold weather, she'll have it handled. But that got me thinking about all the chicks I still need to get moved outside.

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