Anyone tried this with racoons? Living in a heavily forested area where my coop and run are under the trees, I avoid the hawks but I have a shitload of racoons. I wonder if this would be effective.
I got no problem with people killing any animal, including the two legged ones if that animal has become a major issue. What I DO have a problem with is when people kill JUST to kill. If you kill it, EAT IT, if it is possible to do so. If it can't be eaten, then use it's hide, feed it to something, try not to just waste it, don't just wantonly kill for the sake of killing only.
If something is terrorizing / culling your heard then yes, get rid of it, you have a very valid excuse, but don't just shoot stuff for the sake of shooting stuff.

Anyone tried this with racoons? Living in a heavily forested area where my coop and run are under the trees, I avoid the hawks but I have a shitload of racoons. I wonder if this would be effective.
From what I have experienced, leaving a dead coon is not a deterrent to the other ones. At best, they just are more careful, less likely to hit the traps you left for them.

Not realistic at all. If they're eating you lively hood, your paycheck then heck yes kill them. If they were after my chickens I'd shoot them . Coyotes will eat a newborn calf before he even can stand up. And they will be calving here in a few months. Some here have luck keeping they're Great Pyrenees dogs with herds to deter them .
I heard coyotes will hear the momma cow going in labor and they will surround her and keep messing with her until she delivers the baby. They said sometimes the mom will stomp the newborn to death to keep the coyotes from killing it. 😥

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