Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

hi,i look at my Australorp /Cochin roo tonight i believe he has a bumble bee foot. iam going to order some of the fish power to make a tri-neo soak poeple are rocomend to banage the foot afterward,

my question Is would you bandage a feather foot and keep change the bandage every day without pull out the feathers. please advised me. and right now he is perches on a 4x2 board and sit on 4 inch side of the board?
I'm guessing pulling out feathers could make him more vulnerable to additional infection, so probably better to figure a way to treat without pulling feathers.
Best wishes!
I am glad I stumbled upon this thread and read every post on here so far! Bumblefoot here is a common occurance. One hen gets I have here gets it quite frequently. I have gotten real good at the surgery and soaks. Next time I will be trying the fish powder! I had no idea you could use prep H on the foot too!

zenbirder if it looks like just a small black plug at the bottom of the foot but still has massive swelling between toes on top of the foot thats exactly what I had to deal with when treating my hen isabelle. What I did was mixed up a solution of betadine, epsom salts and warm water. I soaked the foot for 15-20 minutes ( really hard to hold a big hen still in a pan of water for that long) I pulled the plug from the bottom of the foot and made an incision at the top of the foot right in the middle of the swollen area. When pulling out the sterilized exacto knife the other plug at the top of the foot came out with it. After the plug was out I refreshed the soaking solution and got a medecine dropper filled with that clean solution and squirted it into the big hole left in her foot that had gone all the way thru. She hardly bled at all but I could tell it hurt her. It took 2 weeks of intense soaking and rewrapping the foot everyday but it cured her, now she has it back again several months later. Another hen I rescued from a nasty farm had a mixture of bumblefoot and scaly leg mites sooo bad I never thought I could save her! I did daily foot soaks,wraps,surgery for weeks on end and managed to get it back to normal somewhat but apparently the damage had already been tooo severe because she is now loosing toes. This bumblefoot stuff is no joke so to the folks out there who think that it will just go away IT WON'T. It is time consuming but well worth it if you care for your animals as much as I do.

A few questions to those who have been using the fish powder. If I mixed up a solution it is good for a week as long as I clean the foot before soaking in that? I can use it on several chickens if need be as long as it is within a week of mixing it? I wonder if petsmart or other pet stores would have this on hand?
We use ours for a week at a time with more than one bird. Rinsed the feet and brushed with a toothbrush before placing them in the solution each time. Rinse after brushing....seemed to make the solution more effective as we saw results more quickly than just placing them in the solution.

PetsMart here as well as other pet stores do not have it here. Looked for it, we did.

ETA - We tried it using RO water initially. Didn't work until started using distilled. Must use distilled water.
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When using salt in water for soaking, I'm wondering if it's important to rinse out any wounds afterwards with salt-less water to keep the salt from slowing the wound's healing time?? Anyone know?

BTW--If it's useful for anyone, there are now some instructions on the webpage linked in my signature line below for treating advanced Scaley Leg Mite problems.
I just pour enough of the solution (maybe 1/2 cup) in a Baggie and place the hen's foot in it and hold it closed while she soaks. Then I pour it out.
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