Victory in court today-update -guilty verdict

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They have to go to court at the end of the month correct ? I highly doubt they will be able to get out of Dodge so quickly. But take a picture of the house with the for sell sign, get your paperwork ready, and when you get to court let it be known that you are prepared to put a lein on the house as you suspect the neighbors on jumping town without paying you.
I mean isnt it a crime not to pay damages that was ordered by a court ?
horsejody, time is getting near. Just wanting you to know that we are still here for you. Is the 27th court date still on?
Congratulatons! SUPER SUPER job. It is a real tribute to your birds.

Your "neighbors" are stunningly stupid! So glad they are planning to leave.

Not a dog/chicken issue, but I have a next door "neighbor" who is unfortunately smart, and they have been getting away with murder despite having flooded my property out by violating permit conditions with their huge McMansion development. They are working the press just right, saying in this economy they can't afford any grief, etc etc even though they are destroying the place I've been working hard to pay for for 22 years. If only they were dumb! It is a long sordid story. These folks have no intentions of moving and at a public meeting recently said if that if someone doesn't like it here, they should move. When I read your court account, I was so glad you were dealing with people who shot themselves in the foot, and that they may be leaving. Though it is small consolation I know, because if they had been responsible human beings, your birds would still be here.

One of my neighbors has a Rhodesian Ridgeback and a Jack Russell - they came barreling into the yard in December and almost got the birds - pure luck had me at the right place at the right time and I headed them off. The RR bit me as I was attempting to return them to their owners. The wife who answered the door was very rude, and said I interrupted her, that she was busy with her baby. Later, when they didn't respond to my request re: whether the dog had its rabies vaccine, I had to get animal control involved so I would know whether or not I neded to get rabies shots.
AC said they verified that the dog has its rabies shot but that it was sooo sweeettttt - sigh. These dogs recently got loose again and the husband couldn't even catch them - he was running after them - I headed them off again and instead of apologizing, he said to me "I don't want to start nothing with you". Sigh....

You've done such a great job pursuing this thing and the world will be better for it.

I'm so sorry Shannon

Henry'schickens :

horsejody, time is getting near. Just wanting you to know that we are still here for you. Is the 27th court date still on?

Yes, the date is still on. I just received my summons in the mail to testify.​
Thank you

They live next door to each other


If they don't play by the rules and damage your property, can you sue them for your losses and your decrease in property value? If the construction of their homes are against code and causing the damage, can you sue the contractors that built them?
I think I would keep a gun handy by the door. In most place protecting your livestock (including chickens) from at large dogs is permitted. Check with the local authorities.
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