[VIDEO] Owl snags one of my ducks

It's called crested and it's actually a deformity. People continue to breed this deformity even though having that crest on their head causes a variety of health issues. You should never buy a crested duck because it supports the continued breeding of them.
Yes, I know they are called crested, but like to call them pom-pom ducks. I once read, too, they can have neurological problems, but did not realize it was an actual deformity. That's a shame.😟
Just to be clear, i knew nothing about ducks before getting these, and it was a buy-in with another neighbor (who chose the variations - or maybe it was a random thing, IDK).

That said, of the 6 ducks we got, one was nearly blind (and this picked off by owl), one had wry neck and had to be dispatched, and our giant Pekin is currently unable to walk. I wish I knew what hatchery it was and if I find out I will post here to avoid it

The Pekin started with what we thought was bobble foot. But without any obvious signs of infection, we assumed it was a niacin deficit. We started him on the B3 supplements, but at 12w it didn't help at all. I've been giving him daily warm baths but the condition has only gotten worse, to where both legs are essentially frozen at the hocks in a bent position. And now his right wing is starting to go lame.

There are no exotic vets that handle ducks near us, and at this point we will likely have to dispatch him soon. Barring any improvement, i do not want him to suffer.
That said, of the 6 ducks we got, one was nearly blind (and this picked off by owl), one had wry neck and had to be dispatched, and our giant Pekin is currently unable to walk. I wish I knew what hatchery it was and if I find out I will post here to avoid it
The hatchery was Metzer Farms out of CA. In addition to the ailments that ended up killing three of the 6 ducks, one arrived DOA as well.

FWIW, when we called them about the wry necked duck which didn't show until about a week after receiving them, they essentially told us to pound sand. I would stay away from them, anecdotally, of course.
So far so good. I opened their door to the water this AM. It took several hours for one of them to figure it out - but for most of the afternoon, they've been going in and out. We'll see tonight :)
The ducks have returned to the pen throughout the day to eat and to rest in the shade of the tarp, but by night time they always go back out onto the pond. The owl has returned several times, but always left empty-handed. On one occasion, he severely misjudged and ended up in the drink, flailing to get back to shore. He hasn't been back since. Just yesterday I widened the opening for the ducks to get in and out. I'm hoping that may encourage them to use it at night. But so far I don't know whether I've been lucky, or if the owl is just an underperformer.

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