video tour of my coop


9 Years
Jul 29, 2010
This link is a video tour of my chicken coup. Hopefully helpful to anyone looking for ideas as they build their coop or just for anyone interested. Spent countless hours planning this thing and have made many modifications along the way. I think I've finally found the winning ticket, although I'd do a few things different if I had to start over. What are your critiques of my coop?

Enjoyed the "tour."
Your watering bucket made me nervous, kind of hanging of the edge of the blocks like that - looks like it could tip over and squash a chicken. I'm sure you've made certain that couldn't happen - but the camera angle makes it look iffy.
I LOVE having an auto door too!
Sure makes things simpler. I like the doors on your hwcloth windows too.
looks nice. its the right size for the amount of chickens you have. perfect. chickens are sure happier when they are free ranging!!
thanks for sharing!
Hi. Nice set up! I too live on 1/5th of an acre and it is a challenge to have the room for everything we want, but we work it out. We are lucky in that our house sits on the back left corner of the lot, leaving most of the yard up for grabs. So the half in front of the house if for humans and the left side if for the animals. Works out pretty well and the neighbors love my chickens and goats.
Wise Woman
Today 7:59 am
Hi. Nice set up! I too live on 1/5th of an acre and it is a challenge to have the room for everything we want, but we work it out. We are lucky in that our house sits on the back left corner of the lot, leaving most of the yard up for grabs. So the half in front of the house if for humans and the left side if for the animals. Works out pretty well and the neighbors love my chickens and goats.

So you have goats on a 1/5 acres lot? Is it within city limits? I'm on a 1/5 acre lot and we have chickens and want to get a goat but I am pretty sure that our ordinances don't allow for goats on such a small lot. Oh well.​

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