I have a question. I haven't found a place to find rolled oats cheap around here. The only place to get oats is the grocery store. Is there anything else they eat?
I have a question. I haven't found a place to find rolled oats cheap around here. The only place to get oats is the grocery store. Is there anything else they eat?

One more question, how long is the meal worm cycle from eggs to beetles? Thanks!
Okay, now I see what you're getting at:) I don't really know other than maybe using some sort of sifter. I would personally just scoop out an area I know that they're concentrated oatmeal and all. A good way to get them concentrated in the one area is take the carrot or whatever you're feeding them out of their pin and scoop right there;)

Where the water is life will be;)

Thanks that helps. going to do this soon. If I come up with something else I will post it here.
I read somewhere else (could be here, could be after googling the topic), that the best way to get a bunch out is place a cut potato (not sure if raw or cooked) starchy side down (not sure for how long) and there will be many hanging on when you pick it up.

Great videos, helpful! Going to undertake this soon. I have a bunch of red worms that I use for worm composting. They would be tasty treats for my chickens, but serve another purpose.
Awesome, subscribed!
Cool!! Happy to have you subed!!

One more question, how long is the meal worm cycle from eggs to beetles? Thanks!

X2 for this also. I think that'd be great info to have. Also, not sure if your videos mentioned this (I was multitasking) but what's the ideal mealworm temperature for reproduction and growth? I know for earthworms it's two different temperatures.

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