Vinyl or wood shed for Midwestern weather?


In the Brooder
Apr 21, 2022
Southeast Michigan
I live in southeast MI where winters can be...weird (rainy & mild or snowy & cold) and summers don't get too hot. I currently have an omlet eglu coop attached to a large 9 x 13 run with 2 one year old chickens in it. I currently have 3 chicks in an indoor brooder. I want to buy a small shed (either 4 x 6 or 4 x 8) that can accommodate up to 6 hens. I'm leaning towards getting a 4 x 8 lean to wood shed to attach to the back of the run but am wondering if something like the following would suffice:

Obviously, I'll have to modify whatever shed I get but given my lack of skills/tools I know I couldn't build something from scratch. I just want to know if given the weather up here I should spring for the more expensive wood shed option.
Thanks, I'm still having trouble deciding if the higher cost of wood is worth it but want my chickens to be comfortable in all weather.
My current setup is in the attached pics.


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@WIchickMama @Sally PB live in similar climates.

Also, @3KillerBs has good suggestions.

You can see what is going on in your state, under the social forum, “where Am I, …” and in the pinned post, find your state. Always good to see other posters dealing with same weather.

Yes, the state threads are great for locally-important issues and problems that most people don't have to deal with.
This is the Michigan thread. @Nuggethut, stop by and say hello and ask any questions.

My coop is wood, and I love wood. I love how it smells when you cut it. I love how it feels when you touch it (except for when I get splinters!). I like the possibility of adding on.

If you can manage the price, go with the 4x8 shed. Chicken math (what we refer to as the undeniable NEED to get more chickens) is real, and 4x8 would be adequate for 8 chickens, and very nice for the 5 you will have in it. More space is almost always better.

Your 9x13 run looks nice and spacious. Mine is built similarly, on metal framing.

Oh, we're having a potluck picnic June 25 in Lansing, and you are certainly welcome!
I did wood as well- wind, rain, SNOW- it wasn't the cheapest option but my chickens were warm, draft free and dry all winter.

Also, (not sure if you had chickens this past winter or not) if you can wrap the run with plastic, tarps or similar (leaving ventilation at the top) they will go out in the run all winter and enjoy the extra space. My run was wrap and was always a minimum of 5-10 deg warmer than outside. They still hung out in the coop when it was below 0 deg F but they could go out if they wanted without the wind and snow.

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