
byc's glitching for me on replies... Chris, pm me about the turkeys. I've got 2 butterballs ready for the freezer, might be willing to trade the tom, if you want a swap.
Grrr these hawks!! Anyone else getting frequent visits by them? Thankful for my mean old rooster for keeping the hens safe until I can run out and lock them up again. Never had a problem this early in fall. I lock them up Nov-Feb because of the activity and lack of cover. It's those silver spangled hamburgs they want!
I made a mistake.
Wanting to add to my stock from blood outside the area.
I found a seller but I questioned if I could place a pre-order with her as it was August and thought it was not hot where I am it was hot where she was an the boxes would travel though areas that were hitting sweltering.

She assured me buying now would be better than waiting for cooler weather. She does not pre-sale. So as she kept assuring me she kept tossing in pray for this and pray for that. Well I am a retired christian lady and with all her bible word dropping with prayer word dropped here and there she convinced me.

So I made a big purchase by placing 6 orders at one time for the eggs. The eggs arrived nicely wrapped. Well really a lot of wrapping. Did I say a lot of bubble wrap? The boxes did not come at one time. I even told her I never order or bid or a closing bid if the eggs were to be shipped on a manic Monday. Did I use the word manic just now? Remember that word. Out if 4 orders of 6 eggs one hatched. That is one out of 24. Out of the second batch two hatched. 2 out of 12. And I want to add one of those eggs hatched at the 19 day mark?

Wow! I let her know it was not a good hatch rate and I even said, she is not responsible for the way the Postal Service handles the boxes. I felt she might like to know this since I was in it over $300. And she might want to rethink telling buyers that August egg sells would hatch that everyone has great hatch rates with her eggs. I went back and rechecked her status. Yup, everyone says the eggs were wraped with loads of plastic bubble wrap. No on said they had great hatch rate as she claimed but really we are not to rate according to hatch.

It is only for receiving the eggs in good order people commented on. Actually she shipped one shipment of two orders days late and sent them out on a Monday and the shipment prior to that she shipped out on a thursday afternoon and I did not get till Wednesday late and was a mess. I let it go by me since the eggs were so well wrapped. The facts are I thought she would want to know that the eggs did not hatch very well. And that the babie chicks died almost immediately.

This woman went manic! She went bezerk! I was in shock! I am telling you all this not to be critisized but I felt you may learn something as I have learned. Dont make large orders as first orders with someone. Dont order eggs in August. I personally would have wanted to know if there were a problem with hatch rate, obviously everyone does not. What could I have done differently? Not ordered in August bad time of year? Make sure the person has enough hens to make sure she will have enough eggs for the order and the buyer does not have to wait days(she does not do presales) After waiting days for the orders ro be mailed, I looked at her pixs and she was posting different pixs of same hen and roo of this color and that color but in different areas and poses, I am certain, I did not catch on to that at first. Just because I am an honest Christain retired woman does not mean everyone is. I mean gee I have one foot in the grave, no way am I going to behave anything else!!! Lol.

So how to prevent this from ever happening again?
It has never happened to me before.
Usually chicken people are good people but sometimes I have come across one here and there that are full of jealousies or having a bad day or just plain rotten to the core BUT for most, chicken people are good people.
So ok, have at it but remember I posted this embarassing moment so others can learn from my mistakes. I certainly have learned from my mistakes.
I'm sorry you've got burned, I kinda hate to say it, but some of those that talk God the most, well they need God the most in their lives. Kinda like the empty barrel makes the most noise.

Most of the folks involved in the chicken trade are good folk. Some people see this kindness and take advantage of it.

I asked my grandad once why he let a fellow cheat him, he told me that first, that the other fellow might really need the money (and charity is a duty for us). Second, its always best to trust and enjoy the goodness of most folk than to worry if they are good or not.

I'm having trouble explaining his thoughts and meaning in my words (I've got a problem with communicating lol :) ) His second point meaning that any worry or energy we put into worrying if we helped someone needy or if we just got scammed makes us second guess ourselves constantly in them future if people are good or bad. Its better to not waste any time on the bad folk, cause it takes away from time we could be enjoying all the good people. That we are not going to remember the money on our death bed but we sure might remember all our friends!

I hope that the seller either needed it much more than you or that it is just USPS or some other weird factor. And again, I'm sorry!
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I'm sorry you've got burned, I kinda hate to say it, but some of those that talk God the most, well they need God the most in their lives. Kinda like the empty barrel makes the most noise.

Most of the folks involved in the chicken trade are good folk. Some people see this kindness and take advantage of it.

I asked my grandad once why he let a fellow cheat him, he told me that first, that the other fellow might really need the money (and charity is a duty for us). Second, its always best to trust and enjoy the goodness of most folk than to worry if they are good or not.

I'm having trouble explaining his thoughts and meaning in my words (I've got a problem with communicating lol :) ) His second point meaning that any worry or energy we put into worrying if we helped someone needy or if we just got scammed makes us second guess ourselves constantly in them future if people are good or bad. Its better to not waste any time on the bad folk, cause it takes away from time we could be enjoying all the good people. That we are not going to remember the money on our death bed but we sure might remember all our friends!

I hope that the seller either needed it much more than you or that it is just USPS or some other weird factor. And again, I'm sorry!

Inappreciate your contribution to this matter.
I dont see a problem in your communicating. I just want others to learn from my mistakes as I certainly have. If any one learns anything from this, then my embarassment for my mistake is a good thing. We live and learn. Most chicken people are good people.
Thank you Wytheville Tractor Supply Company Store. You were very helpful. I have my own canopy but thank you for offering to others. To those of you who used TSC canopy/tents after you used them, taking them down and returning them would have been nice instead of loading your stuff up and driving off with the tents left up for the wind to catch. We don't want to wear out our welcome. Please show them the same consideration as they are showing us. Letting us meet there.

They offered us boxes for chix sold. Going in and taking everything and then taking the unused with you when you left early, leaving others without is not cool. We don't want to wear out our welcome.

TSC, we appreciated the set up of your bales of plastic wrapped wood chips setting up an organized dedicated area for everyone was most considerate. Thank you for having us.

People lets do what we can to preserve the privledge offered to us by TSC. Lets thank them. Please.
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