
Not chicken related but here goes...anyone have a formal dress for end of middle school dance willing to sell cheap? Ebay has some for like $3 plus shipping but they would be coming from China/ Hong Kong and may not arrive in time. We don't plan to go all out for this one since high school is the big one. I'll pay to mail it to me. I can pm the size, etc if anyone has an appropriate dress just hanging around
Not chicken related but here goes...anyone have a formal dress for end of middle school dance willing to sell cheap? Ebay has some for like $3 plus shipping but they would be coming from China/ Hong Kong and may not arrive in time. We don't plan to go all out for this one since high school is the big one. I'll pay to mail it to me. I can pm the size, etc if anyone has an appropriate dress just hanging around

Did you find a dress?

When I was a kid, my mom found deals on one or two of my formal dresses at the thrift store. Just a thought if you haven't found something.
No dress yet but I'll be stopping at a few thrift stores tomorrow on my way to pick up our pork from the processor
I cleaned a house for someone yesterday and the lady brought out a few formal dresses that her daughter my age wore way back when. Was willing to give one but my dd sent me "think long and poofy"! Guess it'll be a few more years before our 'old' style is fashionable again
Hi all,

Well, we had a sad event this week-- a predator got five of our hens as they free ranged, in broad day light. Since we only had seven hens and one too to begin with, this was a big loss. Our rooster has been really great at keeping the hens together and giving the "run" signal at the first sign of trouble, so we were surprised. We haven't had any predator issues since he matured last summer. He even chased a hawk away from one of the hens, and it was a big hawk. Unfortunately, I have seen coyotes around during the day, so they may be the culprits. We have no loose dogs around here, and my experience with foxes is that they will "grab and go"--- when we had a fox issue early last year, he picked off one at a time, in a very stealthy manner. This, on the other hand, happened in the space of an hour or so while we were gone and our dogs were inside. Some hungry predator saw an opportunity, and boom, five hens gone, nothing left but a couple piles of feathers.
Anyway, I need to replenish our flock. I would love Swedish flower hens, orpingtons, cream leg bars, Easter eggers (any blue/green egg layers, really)... Also would consider other standards. I would prefer chicks (at least my daughters would!) but we really can't have another roo, so straight run would not work out so well for us. We would probably have a problem re-homing, and we could never eat an animal that we have named (and once an animal comes through our door, my girls name it, lol! Then it is one of the family).
If anyone has any suggestions, let me know! Sadly, I cannot go to Gilmanor, my daughter is getting confirmed next week end. But I am willing to drive to pick up some other week end. Thanks!
Hi all,

Well, we had a sad event this week-- a predator got five of our hens as they free ranged, in broad day light. Since we only had seven hens and one too to begin with, this was a big loss. Our rooster has been really great at keeping the hens together and giving the "run" signal at the first sign of trouble, so we were surprised. We haven't had any predator issues since he matured last summer. He even chased a hawk away from one of the hens, and it was a big hawk. Unfortunately, I have seen coyotes around during the day, so they may be the culprits. We have no loose dogs around here, and my experience with foxes is that they will "grab and go"--- when we had a fox issue early last year, he picked off one at a time, in a very stealthy manner. This, on the other hand, happened in the space of an hour or so while we were gone and our dogs were inside. Some hungry predator saw an opportunity, and boom, five hens gone, nothing left but a couple piles of feathers.
Anyway, I need to replenish our flock. I would love Swedish flower hens, orpingtons, cream leg bars, Easter eggers (any blue/green egg layers, really)... Also would consider other standards. I would prefer chicks (at least my daughters would!) but we really can't have another roo, so straight run would not work out so well for us. We would probably have a problem re-homing, and we could never eat an animal that we have named (and once an animal comes through our door, my girls name it, lol! Then it is one of the family).
If anyone has any suggestions, let me know! Sadly, I cannot go to Gilmanor, my daughter is getting confirmed next week end. But I am willing to drive to pick up some other week end. Thanks!
sorry to hear of your losses. next weekend (May 2) is Gilmanor. the largest single swap in the state (held twice a year). I'll have an assortment of chicks there myself, including SFH, BLRW, and possibly some Dorkings, plus I will have some other large fowl chicks in limited quantities, including possibly white orps, iowa blues and possibly some red Sussex. My EE's aren't due to hatch until after Gilmanor. I may also have some bantam cochin and coturnix quail, if they hatch on time (due the 1st).
Ki4got, I won't be able to go to Gilmanor (*sob*) as my daughter is being confirmed next week end. I will pm you, because I would be happy to drive somewhere to pick up chicks on another week end.
Ki4got, I won't be able to go to Gilmanor (*sob*) as my daughter is being confirmed next week end. I will pm you, because I would be happy to drive somewhere to pick up chicks on another week end.

I'm located near Roanoke. drop me a line we can work something out I'm sure.

or maybe someone could pick up at Gilmanor for you? if you know what you want... let me know.

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