
Hello! I'm about 30 min. east of Charlottesville in Louisa County. I have Buckeyes, Dorking hens, and Brabanters. The Buckeyes started laying last week! One hen is almost daily! I can tell because she lays them behind the coop gate.

I also have Silver Appleyard Ducks and Drakes, about 18 weeks old. They are out in the orchard doing good things for the trees and to the bug population, I hope.

what variety of Dorking? where did they come from? always trying to network the dorking breeders together so it doesn't get neglected like it has in the past.

I have silver grey & red primarily, with some colored project birds and a bunch of colored from Sandhill growing out (mostly cockerels)
I have Red Dorkings - the roosters were beautiful but mean and flighty. No fun. They went to freezer camp except for two that a breeder thought were real nice. The hens are very stand-offish. These birds came from Crowfoot Farm. They have been breeding them after receiving them from Sandhill Pres. Ctr. I want to get different Red Dorkings next year from a lady in NC who has the genetics that the Livestock Breed Conservancy was improving (preservation). They are supposedly the friendly Dorkings. I am looking for people who can help split an order, since she has a 25 bird minimum and that is over my maximum, even if you figure to use at least half for dinners/sales. I am on the Dorking thread.

The Buckeyes I have are much less flighty and more willing to show up for "treats". They grow up quickly, started laying at 18 weeks.

You didn't ask, but the Brabanters are Gold spangled.

The ducks are from Holderread.
I'm in Pittsylvania county we have 2 beautiful silver laced Wyandotte roosters for sale 4 months old they are crowing and paying attention to the hens
Does anyone happen to have/breed Icelandic Chickens in VA? I've been doing some reading on them and I think that they might make a REALLY nice addition to my little flock.
This seems pretty strange. I picked up the egg and it 'clanked' against another in the basket, pretty hard. When I unloaded, I checked to find it was cracked almost all the way across the shell, but not through the inner membrane. I set it in the egg monkey and the next morning it looked like this. The crack was totally sealed up...
..... um... 'egg monkey'??????
This seems pretty strange. I picked up the egg and it 'clanked' against another in the basket, pretty hard. When I unloaded, I checked to find it was cracked almost all the way across the shell, but not through the inner membrane. I set it in the egg monkey and the next morning it looked like this. The crack was totally sealed up...
..... um... 'egg monkey'??????
0 You know about the 'brass monkey' that held iron cannon balls on 18th century ships? Egg monkey is a porcelain version to hold eggs.

Are your bantam cochins noisy? I picked up a pair off a lady in Botetourt selling them. He crows nonstop and has faught every one of my roos to the point of blood. Not sure if this is normal bringing a new guy in or not? He is separated from the flock and seems to be hating life! Thoughts?

:) Jami

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