
Hello Everyone,

I am also from Virginia (Madison). MissPrissy, I see you are from Orange County, I am just up the road off Rt 230, bout 10 min drive..

I've been reading everything I can on this forum past few days and joined this morning...
We get our first chicks in Feb.. Can't wait...

Just wanted to say hi and let you know another chicken nut has joined your group
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Hi Country Fresh! Welcome to the friendliest place on the planet. I'm in VA too, but almost as far from you as one can get
on the eastern shore. Used to live up in Loudoun, daughter used to live in Orange, now in Loudoun. But chicken lovers know no borders! I'm almost as excited for you getting your first chicks, as you are!! There was a first time for all of us, and it is so funny how many crazies like us there are out here. Be sure to read all over the forum, lots of great advice, ideas, and fun. Be sure to tell us what kind of chicks you are getting.
Thanks Kathee.. I'll be getting a mixed flock.. (Sussex, australorps, white & Buff Orpingtions (would love to get some blue orps seen on forum) Silver gray Dorkings, Golden Campines, Silver Spangled Hamburgs, and a couple Barred Rocks) We have already started on coop.. Can't wait for it to be done and my babies arrive...
Hi, CountryFresh,

Welcome to the madness...err, I mean BYC. Truly the best bunch of folks around!
I drive through Madison every three or four weeks when I visit my sister in Charlottesville.
It is a lovely area!
I have a mixed flock myself!
Hello Mudhen, thank for the welcome BYC.. I've learn a lot while surf the posts.. LOTS of helpful info here..
Madison is a lovely area, Love the country....

What do you have in your mix flock? I get my in Feb, but there are so many I would love to have..
G'day everyone. I'm an Australian transplant ( 17 years in the States now ). We just moved from Chesterfield County to 11 acres in Powhatan. No chickens yet... hubby is building a coup for my Birthday in February. I should be getting some Welsummer hatching eggs from MotherGoose in the near future.

Hello Aussie Sharon, glad to make your acquaintance. I spent a couple visits "down under" many many years ago. In 1975, my dad and I drove from Sydney, north beyond Brisbane on the quest to see the Great Barrier reef. It was in July-August, which is the Aussie winter, and we ran out of interest. It would be the American equivalent of going to Daytona beach, Florida in January. And Brisbane is not very warm during winter, like Florida can be. Got as far as Gladstone, then turned around and headed south for Sydney again. But the coolest experience is I saw a wild kangaroo, huge beast it was, must've stood 6 feet tall and lept 20 ft in the air, over the highway we were on. It was like watching one of our deer on boingy springs!

You say it's been 17 years, but I understand the only cuckoo variety of d'Uccles are found in Australia, or in Belgium. Good luck with your Welsummers. You're living the dream on 11 acres!
I just moved from Charlottesville/ Esmont area. I miss it so much!!! My sister still lives in Louisa so I'm back all the time. Wolf, I just might know you.
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Hi Everyone in Virginia! I love this forum and have learned so much here. Everyone is so nice and helpful. It's great to know that if I run into trouble I have a resource like this to turn to.

And Hi AussieSharon! I'm in Buckingham County, near Dillwyn. I drive through Powhatan every time I go to Richmond.

I don't have any chickens yet, either, but I am ready! The coop is complete. Hopefully I'll get my new Ameraucana chickies in January. Then in spring I'll order some day old chicks. It will probably grow out of control from there. I can hardly wait!

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