
Check protein levels of the feed and adjust for the season. Winter=higher protein, warmer months regular layer feed. Always have free choice oyster shell available. I tend to agree about the aforementioned suggestion of husbandry being off somewhere but not so snippy. There's a nicer way than straight saying 'Your the idiot problem!' I don't know everything, there's always more to learn, being rude doesn't make or keep poultry friends and associates
Once a hen gets a taste of a "broken" egg, for whatever reason, they tend to always be an egg eater. I've also had this problem and tried different things to fix it. Sometimes too much light in the nest box can aggravate the situation.
Don't feel bad there are many of us that have this problem. I believe we're all on here to learn or to share experiences. Being perfect is not possible for everyone. So let's be nice and helpful to each other!!
Check protein levels of the feed and adjust for the season. Winter=higher protein, warmer months regular layer feed. Always have free choice oyster shell available. I tend to agree about the aforementioned suggestion of husbandry being off somewhere but not so snippy. There's a nicer way than straight saying 'Your the idiot problem!' I don't know everything, there's always more to learn, being rude doesn't make or keep poultry friends and associates

I did not say that. Please, Do not put words in other peoples mouths. I dont know it all. That is why I asked others. I will remove my request for suggestions and in the future may I suggest you not chase people away from the site with your adding words not said. Others have given suggestions as to increase the protein levels and make sure the nest box is dark enough. All very good answers but one reply hit me an I had that ah-ha! moment. They are on to something here. Empty the egg. Fill it with Mustard and sill the holes. If she attacks that egg gobbling she will not donit again. Another said to put golf balls and wooden eggs in and after awhile of beak hitting the gold balls and wooden eggs it will Break her of the habit. Thank you for all the great suggestions and I dont blame them for not posting their answers on this thread.
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I have no clue what started this train of topic, but I've had problems with egg eaters before.

some birds have responded by increasing protein, others by a change of scenery (tossed out of the pen to free range for a while), and others were only cured by the crock pot.
I read somewhere that filling the eggs with mustard does not work. Supposedly according to this article I was reading, that chickens dont have tastebuds that pick up on spicy and zesty foods therefore they couldnt pick up the spiciness or zestiness of the mustard, hence it wouldnt work. I don't know if thats true, just throwing it out there
I read somewhere that filling the eggs with mustard does not work. Supposedly according to this article I was reading, that chickens dont have tastebuds that pick up on spicy and zesty foods therefore they couldnt pick up the spiciness or zestiness of the mustard, hence it wouldnt work. I don't know if thats true, just throwing it out there

I second that motion - also have seen information in that regard .

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