Want the Americauna eggs? **WINNER ON PAGE 4**

I am so eggcited!!!!!!!!!!!

I have never won anything before!
thank you so much! I am glad you understand my situation.
My husband is glad this is over! He is done typing for me tonight. Anything else will have to wait until my aide gets in in the morning. She will type for me. Guess I will wait for badnfluinz to contact me.

Again thank you so much, you just dont know what this means to me and hopefully my grandchildren.

God Bless You!

Congratulations Abbie! I hope you have great success in hatching the eggs and you and your grandkids enkoy them. Chickens are wonderful pets!

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Congrats abbie!!! I'm going to go ahead and wish you hatching vibes! So they'll be there waiting for the eggs to arrive!
Lol I was just recently notified about this thread!! And all I can say is THANK YOU for nominating me! I appreciate it, and for the offer of duck eggs as well! But I'm GLAD abbie won as we/DD are not ready yet to add more to the remaining flock. Congrats again abbie!!
Lick......you let me know as soon as you are ready, if you want ducks. Maybe by that time, I'll have some chickens or even turkeys...you never know. I'd love to send you something!!!

You've got some great friends here!!!

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