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From BlueBloomers:

I receieved 8 little Mille Fleur D'Uccle eggs from peeps7. They arrived well wrapped and clean.

I let them rest then set them on Friday the 11th at 8PM.

This morning my 7 yr old and I pulled out the mini mag flashlight to see what is going on in them.

I just have to tell you ALL 8 have dancing chicks in them with beautiful veining!!!!!!! These little eggs had a long journey to get here I was just floored they are all viable especially since this is not my first time on hatching shipped eggs.

Doing the happy dance over here. Keeping the good vibes up that they all stay happy an healthy and hatch out fine!

THANKS Coty for the tiny eggs!!!
Speckled Hen (Cynthia): THE BEST! Very nice to work with, excellent packaging and very helpful if you have questions.

Bamachicken (Julie): Also wonderful! Great packaging and very friendly, Gorgeous birds.

Blisschick (Stacey): Nice to work with. Eggs packed beautifully with great "How To" info included.

Hinkjc (Jody): Great packing and wonderful to deal with!

Pips&peeps (Jean): Very nice and helpful. Eggs arrived in PERFECT condition!
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had eggs shipped from Dipsy Doodle Doo what a job at packaging she did here are the pics.





wofie loves to play in boxes


and not one broken or cracked egg..

will set them tomorrow and let you know how hatch rate is.

I received silkie eggs from marie_martin and she is a very nice person,,,,She did a wonderful job packaging the eggs and put a nice bright sign on the package that my mailman saw and he called me for pic up (thanks),,,,she sent extras and when I candled they were all growing. I am not sure what day they are on now I will have to go check
marie_martin:Very nice person to deal with. Received 8 little silkie eggs from her and they arrived here safe and sound. wonderfull job packing. on day 7 they were all growing, made it to hatch day and lost 4. so I have 4 precious little fluffy butts in the bator. Would recommend her to anyone!

Gracefulbantams: Nice person to deal with also. Got 6 little ssh eggs from her and they made it here in perfect condition. On day 7 all were growing except 1. Would recommend her to anyone.

hinkjc: Wonderfull person to deal with. very helpfull. I got 2 dz EE's from her. All arrived here in perfect shape. great job packing. Hatched 19 out of 24.

Without a doubt, would recommend her.(thanks for all the roo's jody)

Dipsy Doodle Doo: Awesome person to deal with. Got 2dz Br eggs from her. All arrived here in perfect shape. Man does she know how to package some eggs. I believe that I hatched 20 out of 24 eggs. Would surely recommend her to anyone.( thank you Lisa for all the roo's also)
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Ohh I second and third that about Marie!!!

Not only did her eggs come in great condition, but they must be SUPER eggs!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL of them have babies and they are moving in those eggs and we are on day 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go silke babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marie_Martin is another breeder I would love to get eggs from again!

Not that she needs anymore help but I just got some Blue Orps from Speckledhen Cynthia and of course they were in surpurb condition.Excellent communication.

Also I did a private swap with JAB91864 "Julie" and her packaging was great.I looking forwad to seeing what hatches.

Siz8003 was my swap partner for Feb and her eggs all arrived in great shape and I have three beautiful pullets about 4 weeks old now.
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